2019 is upon us and I suspect that sometime in the last month or so, some neuron or another began firing off reminders that it's time for the next Word-of-the-Year.
I usually don't consciously consider any focal point of this 'Word'. Normally, it just seems to smack me in the head when I'm reading, watching or experiencing something having nothing at all to do with this exercise. It almost appears random, but I don't really believe it's chance at all.
A number of months ago, I wrote a 4 part series on Muscle Memory and Gratitude. I did research both externally and internally. It was about the importance of being grateful. It was about the benefits experienced when we make it part of who we are. This was mostly good stuff and I learned a bit about why it's important and what I can do to increase my default position in thought and action to first be grateful.
An exploration of what it means to "live in Christ" from the viewpoint of a regular, non-theologian guy just trying to make sense of it all. Maybe it's about being aware. Maybe it's about forgiveness toward others and myself. Maybe it's about love for others - and myself. Maybe it's about trust and putting God first. Maybe it's about all these things - and maybe these things only scratch the surface.
Saturday, December 29, 2018
Sunday, December 23, 2018
Our Treasures
In a secure garage, the antagonist states,
With only 22 miles on the odometer, this Volkswagen Beetle has not been driven since 1964 and is currently offered at $1,000,000.
How about a bottle of Macallan Whiskey? Well, you’re a little late and about $1.1 Million short. Perhaps then, Macallan Rare Cask. You probably won't be out much more than $300.00.
“My entire life was spent on these cars. It is a constant reminder of where I’ve come from and where I want to go.”(The Rare Vehicle Garage Clip from the movie Overdrive)
With only 22 miles on the odometer, this Volkswagen Beetle has not been driven since 1964 and is currently offered at $1,000,000.
How about a bottle of Macallan Whiskey? Well, you’re a little late and about $1.1 Million short. Perhaps then, Macallan Rare Cask. You probably won't be out much more than $300.00.
Sunday, December 16, 2018
Like Riding a Bike
When was the last time you rode a bike? Nobody is asking you to take a little adventure today. But even if this was the goal, you would not fear because years ago, you mastered this challenge. Sure, the handle bars might shake a little and you might not travel in a ruler-precise straight line for the first few seconds but you’ll quickly remember and begin riding as well as you did the last time you tried.
This is good news! On to bigger and better things, then.
This is good news! On to bigger and better things, then.
Sunday, December 9, 2018
Seasonal Apathy
During the holidays, we’re exposed to constant and repetitive commercials. Maybe not because we're a captive audience (like the Super Bowl), but more because we’re captive to holiday spending. I gave up the search for how much advertising might cost for our favorite holiday movies; It’s a Wonderful Life, Elf, Home Alone, Miracle on 34th Street, The Grinch, White Christmas and more. But I’m sure that the marketing teams analyze average view rates and are charged accordingly.
This article began when I recently saw the Hershey's Christmas Kisses commercial. It was surprising to me that it was still being aired.
This article began when I recently saw the Hershey's Christmas Kisses commercial. It was surprising to me that it was still being aired.
Sunday, December 2, 2018
The "R" Factor
While listening to a talk a few weeks ago, I heard something about the fact that our prayers frequently center on the concept of rescue. It was pointed out that following Jesus isn’t really about rescue but more about redemption. The presented premise was focused on the concept that in the midst of troubles we are being shaped by a redeeming fire to 'strengthen our steel' which enables us to handle the plans God has for us.
First, I recognized that my prayer life rarely considers that God is already working in and around me - always for good.
Second, I infrequently recognize that He uses difficult circumstances to redeem mind and heart, thereby making me a little more like I was meant to be.
Then, I got a little quirky. It happens.
First, I recognized that my prayer life rarely considers that God is already working in and around me - always for good.
Second, I infrequently recognize that He uses difficult circumstances to redeem mind and heart, thereby making me a little more like I was meant to be.
Then, I got a little quirky. It happens.
Sunday, November 25, 2018
But Only God Can Make a Tree
Before I begin, last week's article was about winter and how my seasonal perceptions are affected by geography. Shortly after hitting the publish button, I made a quick trip to the grocery store. Next time, I might wait a while since I was obviously still tuned-in to the stories told.
As I checked out at the service desk, there was a basket of free key fobs. I convinced myself that these little buggers were Cincinnati’s answer to a quick window-scraper for the car. So tiny and somewhat convenient, I was a bit impressed while simultaneously laughing at how ridiculous it would look to see someone using one.
As I checked out at the service desk, there was a basket of free key fobs. I convinced myself that these little buggers were Cincinnati’s answer to a quick window-scraper for the car. So tiny and somewhat convenient, I was a bit impressed while simultaneously laughing at how ridiculous it would look to see someone using one.
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Well, it LOOKS like a window scraper - right? |
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Flurries and Gratitude
Cincinnati Memories.
The first snowfall.
A little bit of rain and then, a little bit of snow. It was predicted. No surprise other than the fact that prediction itself was accurate.
I was leaving for work a bit early on that first day of experiential winter. Just a block from home, I saw a young lady dressed in less than the layered clothing required for winter weather. She was slipping and sliding around the parking lot in her attempts to scrape her windows with, listen up, a credit card!
OK. Can't ignore that without making an effort to help, right? So I pulled into the parking lot, grabbed my scraper and got out of the car.
Whoa! Her reaction mandates that I immediately stop with my hands in surrender mode. I meant no harm, but I apparently scared the poor girl half to death.
Sunday, November 11, 2018
Reviewing Purpose
Sometimes they're just stories.
Sometimes they can be used as reflective instruments focused inward. They become helpful when analyzing our own lives, our own decisions, goals and direction.
This one now floats around the Internet. I am guessing that it's fiction. Actually, I'm hoping that it's fiction, but maybe not. The lessons available will probably be unique to each of us.
Author Unknown
*** On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur there was a once a crude little life-saving station. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves, they went out day or night tirelessly searching for the lost.
Sometimes they're just stories.
Sometimes they can be used as reflective instruments focused inward. They become helpful when analyzing our own lives, our own decisions, goals and direction.
This one now floats around the Internet. I am guessing that it's fiction. Actually, I'm hoping that it's fiction, but maybe not. The lessons available will probably be unique to each of us.
Author Unknown
*** On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur there was a once a crude little life-saving station. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves, they went out day or night tirelessly searching for the lost.
Sunday, November 4, 2018
Be The Bucket Brigade
I’ve decided it’s time to lose a few pounds. Actually, I decided that a long time ago but I’m finally getting around to spending time on my feet attempting change.
There’s a mall not far from the office. During lunch, I’ve been trying wander the hallways at a ‘brisk’ pace a few times per week. Burning calories is the goal, but it's a sad place to be, actually.
I researched the mall's history. Someone (actually many of them) spent a small fortune (This, a relative term as small doesn’t resonate with me. Huge might be closer to truth) on this retail structure.
Efforts to create a scaled-down Mall of America never saw success. Currently, with few exceptions, storefronts remain empty and boarded over.
There’s a mall not far from the office. During lunch, I’ve been trying wander the hallways at a ‘brisk’ pace a few times per week. Burning calories is the goal, but it's a sad place to be, actually.
I researched the mall's history. Someone (actually many of them) spent a small fortune (This, a relative term as small doesn’t resonate with me. Huge might be closer to truth) on this retail structure.
Efforts to create a scaled-down Mall of America never saw success. Currently, with few exceptions, storefronts remain empty and boarded over.
Sunday, October 28, 2018
Impossible to Know
Can you really know if today, yesterday or tomorrow is, was or will be a bad day?
I’ve complained about work-days on frequent occasions. I’ve made numerous comments indicating what kind of day I’ve experienced. I might even do it every day, come to think about it. Maybe you’ve voiced similar statements;
I’ve complained about work-days on frequent occasions. I’ve made numerous comments indicating what kind of day I’ve experienced. I might even do it every day, come to think about it. Maybe you’ve voiced similar statements;
- Today was OK.
- Yesterday was horrible.
- Tomorrow will be a disaster.
- Last Saturday was amazing.
Sunday, October 21, 2018
We all judge. We're told not to. We're told again and again in various ways.
Bible Study Tools provides 37 verses to look at if we're even mildly curious.
And yet, we fail.
Well, I do anyway.
Sunday, October 14, 2018
Sky Bridge
“Hello! How was your weekend?” she said.
“It was great! After that horrible week, I left Saturday for the Red River Gorge in Kentucky about 7AM so that I’d get there …” “OH! I’ve BEEN there”, she interrupted. “We went there with my brother and his wife last October. I remember the leaves were just turning colors and it was beautiful! Warm but not humid. Perfect weather. Did you see the Sky Bridge? We walked over it and under it. It was incredible. Well, I gotta’ go. Have a great day!”
“It was great! After that horrible week, I left Saturday for the Red River Gorge in Kentucky about 7AM so that I’d get there …” “OH! I’ve BEEN there”, she interrupted. “We went there with my brother and his wife last October. I remember the leaves were just turning colors and it was beautiful! Warm but not humid. Perfect weather. Did you see the Sky Bridge? We walked over it and under it. It was incredible. Well, I gotta’ go. Have a great day!”
Sunday, October 7, 2018
What's In Your Hand?
Moses is tending sheep on Mount Horab and comes across a burning bush. It captivates him as the shrub is not consumed by fire. God calls to Moses and asks him to approach the Pharaoh to obtain the release of the Israelites from Egyptian captivity.
God assures Moses that He will be with him. But Moses begins a session of arguments
God assures Moses that He will be with him. But Moses begins a session of arguments
- Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh to release the Israelites?
- What if the people want to know Your name?
- What if the Israelites don't believe me?
- I am not a good speaker.
- And finally, not me God. You've got the wrong guy.
...the Lord said to him, “What is that in your hand?" "A staff,” he replied. Exodus 4:2
God then shows Moses how to use the staff to convince people to listen to him.
Sunday, September 30, 2018
Too Heavy
On one occasion, I remember being re-introduced to my first grand-daughter with the words, “Hi. Have you met the Question Factory?”
We still believe she may be a lawyer in her upcoming years. Perhaps she’s mellowed a bit – I’m not certain. Perhaps it’s only that an introspective analysis of her world allows her to ask only tough questions. Her parents would know.
Corrie ten Book’s father was a German watchmaker. From all over the country, people brought their timepieces to him as he was revered for being an accomplished repairman.
Once a week, he made the trek to Amsterdam for a variety of purposes, one being to check the most accurate timepiece of the era at the Naval Observatory.
On this day, according to the recollections of Corrie in her book, The Hiding Place, she accompanied her father.
We still believe she may be a lawyer in her upcoming years. Perhaps she’s mellowed a bit – I’m not certain. Perhaps it’s only that an introspective analysis of her world allows her to ask only tough questions. Her parents would know.
UnSplash.com |
Once a week, he made the trek to Amsterdam for a variety of purposes, one being to check the most accurate timepiece of the era at the Naval Observatory.
On this day, according to the recollections of Corrie in her book, The Hiding Place, she accompanied her father.
Saturday, September 22, 2018
A Dirty Sock: Dobby's Example
You may or may not be familiar with this little guy. Dobby was a house-elf in the Harry Potter books written by JK Rowling. If you’re a fan of Harry Potter, you most certainly know about Dobby. And if you know about Dobby, you probably have nothing but good feelings for this character.
Saturday, September 15, 2018
I've been thinking a lot about how we treat each other lately. It seems like we're travling down a road that will never lead to anything good and yet, if I look closely, I can find things that do reflect the image of God we are designed to be.
As I thought about my next article, I decided to look for The Servant Song This piece brings to mind that we're on this planet to help each other. I looked through a number of YouTube videos finding many and choosing one.
The plan was not complicated. Listen to the song, think about the lyrics and consider what it means to be a better neighbor.
But suddenly, it got deeper. Much deeper. Tear jerking deeper.
As I thought about my next article, I decided to look for The Servant Song This piece brings to mind that we're on this planet to help each other. I looked through a number of YouTube videos finding many and choosing one.
The plan was not complicated. Listen to the song, think about the lyrics and consider what it means to be a better neighbor.
But suddenly, it got deeper. Much deeper. Tear jerking deeper.
Sunday, September 9, 2018
Look Up
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Cincinnati September, 2018 |
Psalm 19
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they reveal knowledge.
They have no speech, they use no words;
no sound is heard from them.
Yet their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I think I'm done for the day. What could anyone really add to this anyway? But, the first thing that came into my head when I saw this cloud formation was the music of Joseph Haydn familiar to us as "The Heavens Declare the Glory of God".
Have a great Sunday. Off to explore - still looking for a church to call home.
Saturday, September 8, 2018
Maybe Blame This One on Heat-stroke
The dewpoint right now is 59!
After what seems like months (probably only weeks, but still…) where a dewpoint of 70 degrees held the position of low-point baseline and where approaching 80 degrees was considered normal, the windows are now open and I can breathe again!
Thank you Tropical Depression Gordon, I guess. The welcome cooler temperatures are also bringing a good deal of precipitation, but that’s a story for another day.
So, why did my thoughts turn to skiing!
That’s right, like in ‘snow’ skiing! (I guess I must have been hotter than I thought!)
I haven’t been skiing for years. I think the last time was a trip to Afton Alps in Minnesota (is that still around?) with my daughter. It was a good day, but it was, I admit, forced. It was a guilt trip induced by my child with the words, “If you were a ski-instructor, how come you’ve never taken me skiing, dad?” (Perhaps I should consider therapy to help answer her question. Why didn’t I?)
Well, we went skiing and had a great time - but I wasn’t very good any more.
After what seems like months (probably only weeks, but still…) where a dewpoint of 70 degrees held the position of low-point baseline and where approaching 80 degrees was considered normal, the windows are now open and I can breathe again!
Thank you Tropical Depression Gordon, I guess. The welcome cooler temperatures are also bringing a good deal of precipitation, but that’s a story for another day.
So, why did my thoughts turn to skiing!
That’s right, like in ‘snow’ skiing! (I guess I must have been hotter than I thought!)
I haven’t been skiing for years. I think the last time was a trip to Afton Alps in Minnesota (is that still around?) with my daughter. It was a good day, but it was, I admit, forced. It was a guilt trip induced by my child with the words, “If you were a ski-instructor, how come you’ve never taken me skiing, dad?” (Perhaps I should consider therapy to help answer her question. Why didn’t I?)
Well, we went skiing and had a great time - but I wasn’t very good any more.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
And the Crowd Went Wild
I shouldn’t be bringing this up yet, but fall is just around the corner. We’ve got a lot of nice days coming, don’t worry. But as school begins and as the leaves start to turn (for some of us) and as the average temperatures start dropping, another thing happens.
I’m admitting that I’m not someone who spends every Sunday watching, cheering and vicariously living “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” (Jim McKay) but I do on occasion peek at the standings and listen to others discuss these very things.
A few years ago, one of the things on the tongue of every football fan (and perhaps still remains an emotional discourse) was THE day of Blair Walsh.
From Sports Illustrated:
I’m admitting that I’m not someone who spends every Sunday watching, cheering and vicariously living “the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat” (Jim McKay) but I do on occasion peek at the standings and listen to others discuss these very things.
A few years ago, one of the things on the tongue of every football fan (and perhaps still remains an emotional discourse) was THE day of Blair Walsh.
From Sports Illustrated:
Sunday, August 19, 2018
I'm not THAT person!
Of course not!
I know who I am – deep down in the center of my being.
I’ve been taught how to behave, how to treat people and how to live honestly.
OK. Sure, I’ll admit that I’m not perfect. But heck – I do a pretty good job!
Do I prayerfully examine decisions that may seem small and insignificant in order to insure that the choice is in keeping with my true center?
Or, perhaps, I rationalize. Do I justify taking the wrong path since these are ‘small and insignificant’ decisions?
Maybe it’s expedient. Maybe it won’t matter in the long run. Maybe nobody will ever know. Maybe it’s just plain for my benefit.
I know who I am – deep down in the center of my being.
I’ve been taught how to behave, how to treat people and how to live honestly.
OK. Sure, I’ll admit that I’m not perfect. But heck – I do a pretty good job!
And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. Isaiah 30:21Do I always listen to the voice in my head that says, “Don’t do this, you know it isn’t right!”
Do I prayerfully examine decisions that may seem small and insignificant in order to insure that the choice is in keeping with my true center?
Or, perhaps, I rationalize. Do I justify taking the wrong path since these are ‘small and insignificant’ decisions?
Maybe it’s expedient. Maybe it won’t matter in the long run. Maybe nobody will ever know. Maybe it’s just plain for my benefit.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
I found myself in a retail establishment the other day. A great parking spot had opened up directly in front of the door. Leaving windows and sunroof open (still trying to get used to the heat and humidity in this ‘home away from home’ called Cincinnati) I hurried inside as the cloud cover looked a bit ominous. In fairness, it had been that way all day.
After shopping for only a few minutes, I noticed a man intently scanning the sky. His palm was raised as he tested the atmosphere for the nearly imperceptible mist that had begun to swirl from grey and dismal heavens.
Crowd follower that I can be, I joined a number of patrons deciding it would be in our best interest to investigate as well.
The first guy decided to go back inside. Nothing too threatening was his apparent decision. Four more people followed him inside with similar opinions.
I’m a chicken.
After shopping for only a few minutes, I noticed a man intently scanning the sky. His palm was raised as he tested the atmosphere for the nearly imperceptible mist that had begun to swirl from grey and dismal heavens.
Crowd follower that I can be, I joined a number of patrons deciding it would be in our best interest to investigate as well.
The first guy decided to go back inside. Nothing too threatening was his apparent decision. Four more people followed him inside with similar opinions.
I’m a chicken.
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Opportunities for Eggs
“It’s MY job! It’s my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open - waiting for you to maybe, someday, fall inside - if you needed it. And if you do, I’ll love you. And if you don’t, I’ll love you too! Because that’s what it means to be a parent. You’ll see, someday” (This is Us: Number Two)
"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11: 11-13.
"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!” Luke 11: 11-13.
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Choices. It's Always a Choice
Greetings all
Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to meet with good friends in the ‘beautiful’ city of Cincinnati. While having coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts (with donuts of course, because you HAVE to have donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts) I was asked if I had stopped writing because maybe I’ve been ‘un-inspired’.
The response was along the lines of ‘busy-ness’ rather than lack of inspiration.
Well, it’s true. I’ve been busy. Most work-weeks have seen 6 days for months now. I come home tired and not so much in the mood to write.
Last week, I had the amazing opportunity to meet with good friends in the ‘beautiful’ city of Cincinnati. While having coffee at Dunkin’ Donuts (with donuts of course, because you HAVE to have donuts at Dunkin’ Donuts) I was asked if I had stopped writing because maybe I’ve been ‘un-inspired’.
The response was along the lines of ‘busy-ness’ rather than lack of inspiration.
Well, it’s true. I’ve been busy. Most work-weeks have seen 6 days for months now. I come home tired and not so much in the mood to write.
God - and Seat Belts
Weird title, I agree. Weird article. I probably won’t argue that either.
Automobile Seat belts
• Standard vehicle equipment 1958
• Mandatory vehicle equipment 1968
• Mandatory use (front seat) 1983
• Seat belt reminders – 1974 Law prohibits NHTSA from requiring any seat belt reminder system from being more insistent than an 8 second warning light and buzzer. (Although not required, many manufacturers have enhanced this significantly.)
The evolution of seat belts and their associated alarms is interesting.
Automobile Seat belts
• Standard vehicle equipment 1958
• Mandatory vehicle equipment 1968
• Mandatory use (front seat) 1983
• Seat belt reminders – 1974 Law prohibits NHTSA from requiring any seat belt reminder system from being more insistent than an 8 second warning light and buzzer. (Although not required, many manufacturers have enhanced this significantly.)
The evolution of seat belts and their associated alarms is interesting.
- The two-point lap belt: I am certain these became buried in seat cushions for the life of the vehicle since rarely did anyone use them.
- The fully automatic-wrap-around-you-when-the-door-closes 3-point system: Many of us got tangled up more than once.
- The attempted no-buckle-no-start system in the mid-70’s (which eventually lead to the 1974 law mentioned above)
- The 3-point belt/air-bag systems that's common today.
- And something relatively new, discussions regarding mandatory back seat use
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