Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Together. Or, Apart

This is the long-awaited "moving weekend" for me.  YAY!!!!

At this very moment, I am unpacking. There is no more imaginable joy than being able to live close to my daughter, her husband, and my grandkids. As I say goodbye to Ohio friends, I’m also hoping to say hello to family and friends left behind 5 years ago.  

Meanwhile, I thought I’d prepare this article in advance. That, however, means that I’m going to lay the meat of the concept squarely on your shoulders today.

I have two videos for you to watch.  They are each over 3 minutes long. And I’m going to ask you to listen to them - in order.


Sunday, November 27, 2022

The Egg and I

This article, I will freely admit, is a little bit out there. But please don’t let that stop you from reading!

The title does not reflect a book written in 1945 because well, I have never read it. That doesn’t mean I have "egg on my face" either.

The title does not reflect a restaurant in Minneapolis or any other restaurant of that name. I found so many that it would be a "hard egg to break" with just one article.

The title is merely a statement that I had a ‘moment’ with an egg this week. 

A side note before I begin in earnest, please. Before writing, I usually look to see if I have written on the subject before. You’ll never guess.  This is the sixth time I have written about eggs in this venue. Does that make me an "eggbeater"?  Maybe not but something weird is going on.

I am now getting to the point, and I thank you for your patience.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Millions Are Praying


(For those having difficulty viewing the above video, 
please use the “CLICK HERE for the video" from the full article.

Sunday, November 13, 2022

Making Gold

I have a backlog of article ideas. Since I can only get one of these out per week, it’s become a reservoir of potential. Although I try to keep things current using situational examples from the past week or so, I do go back and look through the treasures contained in this library of concepts.

So today, we’re talking about a 2016 movie: Milton’s Secret.  

In a story about an 11-year-old boy named Milton Adams, we see a life filled with worry, anxiety, and pain. Life is hard, let’s just admit this upfront.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

I Am Thirsty

Fortunes change as did mine.  I am just getting over that which I had avoided for many years, a head cold.  But I recalled the one thing that in those lost years, had helped tremendously.

“The nighttime sniffling, sneezing, coughing, aching, stuffy head, fever, so you can rest medicine”

Nyquil. My Dear Friend.

But Friday night it seemed that my go-to guardian had abandoned me. 

At 2 AM, I woke. There was little of the phlegm that I’ve become used to (sorry so gross) but I’m not sure that I have ever experienced a dry mouth quite like this.

It’s possible that all these articles are having some impact on me as my first thought was, "I am thirsty” as Jesus died on the cross.