Sunday, July 31, 2022

The Expectation of Sound

Decades ago, I wasn’t a bad Ping-Pong player. We had some pretty aggressive games as I recall.  Some of these matches even involved the destruction of property. I speak of the simple and normal, run-of-the-mill ‘accidents’ leaving their marks: A foot crashing into a door and maybe a paddle tearing into a ceiling panel.

I thought of those games the other day when getting on the scale. (For the sudden shift of topic, I apologize and will happily make a whiplash appointment for you with your Chiropractor.)

The connection explanation below is followed by the required commentary.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Just So You Know

Maddie (Madison Lintz) says, “Dad. Just so you know. When I can't reach you? It scares me. A lot. Because I'm out there. On the streets. And I see all the bad shit that goes on. And it just, it gets in your head, you know?”

Dad says, “I do.”  (Bosch Legacy. Season 1, Episode.9)

Harry Bosch (Titus Welliver) is a seasoned detective with many years on the force responding to his daughter, a boot (a new term for me that refers to a rookie in the police department).

I can’t remember what triggered this exchange, but I imagine it was something like dad was too busy fighting crime to respond to his daughter’s cell phone ring. I mean, it’s not easy to call a time-out amid an intense gun battle.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Most of the Time, It Doesn’t Hurt

I made the commitment a while ago after asking myself ad nauseum, “Why aren’t you doing that?”

Including driving time, the whole process takes about an hour and a half every couple of months. And it’s a good thing to do, giving blood.  It helps somebody. Every single time it helps somebody.

A couple of months ago, I placed myself in the lounge chair and the procedure started. But it was obvious that the technician was new. There were a lot of questions directed at a person floating around my station in an effort not to interfere but to be there should the need arise.

We eventually finished and I made an appointment for the next time. I stayed true to that commitment thing. That appointment was this past Friday.

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Spend Wisely

Let’s play "What if."

What if:

On a Friday (scheduled to begin a finally-here-long weekend), you’re leaving the office. That used to be normal, but even if it’s not, let’s just pretend. As your co-worker runs by, you proclaim, “Have a great weekend!” However, she's quite frazzled because her boss just gave her a last-minute task that must be completed before leaving. You offer to turn around and help her finish thus allowing her to start her weekend just a little sooner. She accepts.

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Good Morning, Everybody!

"Good morning."

It’s something we say all the time. Perhaps we say it so much that it has come to mean nothing, or even worse, an opportunity to disparage the anticipated day.

Perhaps you have been the recipient of these or similar replies.

  • If you say so.
  • Are you sure?
  • Good for what?
  • Lucky for you!
  • Like you care.
  • Could have fooled me
  • Is it?