Sunday, August 27, 2023

Jump In

The decision is made. Today’s article will be about hearing God. The concept starts with questions. Common questions.

  • Where is God in this ____? 
  • Are my prayers heard, or are they just white noise to the Creator of all?
  • I never seem to get answers to my life-altering cries for help. Does He care?
  • God found ways to talk with the Old Testament people. Why did He stop talking?

Over time, I’ve collected materials that offer help for these common concerns. Some articles get deep. Other writers provide lists of 3, 5, or 10 things we can do to better hear from God. 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

Every so often, I think about the plans made over the years. Some were usefully completed, but many of them - not so much. In fact, some were outrageous disasters. But there are also the unfulfilled, the ones let go but not forgotten. 

Going back a decade or two, a little reminiscing resurrects one of those ‘unfulfilled but not forgotten’ plans. After spending a few weeks in Costa Rica, I began to plan the move. Yes, I would be one of those ex-pats living in a foreign country. 

So, what brought this to mind now?  

If you have read Atomic Habits, you might already like James Clear. You might already be a subscriber to his weekly newsletter. I sometimes make notes and today I came across this article.

3-2-1: The most important habit, the difference between ambition and entitlement, and friendship. 

Sunday, August 6, 2023

A Crazy Visual

I looked.

It was easy. I just typed the words "SIMPLE THINGS" in the search box found on this website. I knew that I'd written about this topic a few times. As it turns out, the number exceeds a typical definition of "a few times". The search returned forty-one articles! 

That means that IF the search was correct, and since this would be the 364th article posted, I spent over 10% of my time discussing simple things.

You'll be happy to see that I have not chosen to include a list of links for your review. If you want to spend a little time doing some research, it's easy. I will just stand back and leave you to it.