Sunday, December 2, 2018

The "R" Factor

While listening to a talk a few weeks ago, I heard something about the fact that our prayers frequently center on the concept of rescue. It was pointed out that following Jesus isn’t really about rescue but more about redemption.  The presented premise was focused on the concept that in the midst of troubles we are being shaped by a redeeming fire to 'strengthen our steel' which enables us to handle the plans God has for us.

First, I recognized that my prayer life rarely considers that God is already working in and around me - always for good.

Second, I infrequently recognize that He uses difficult circumstances to redeem mind and heart, thereby making me a little more like I was meant to be.

Then, I got a little quirky.  It happens.

When I pray, what words are used frequently?  After writing down just a few, I noticed that they were all beginning with the letter ‘R’.  This was curious so I concentrated on just the first letter and continued.  I refrained from the temptation to use a thesaurus.  I just wanted to see where this would go.

It appears that during the course of God-conversation, I spend most of my time asking for something. I ask to reclaim what was lost, recover from some malady, be rescued from some situation, be released from some obligation and be returned to better times.

And in the midst of all this asking, I beg that He reconsider prayers seemingly rejected, I wonder why He won’t reveal the path and question His lack of response.

I wonder if God gets sick of ‘R’ words.

I wonder if He gets curious that “Redeem” is noticeably absent.

I wonder if I should start picking on another letter of the alphabet. Maybe I should try ‘C’; Compassion, Creator, Counselor, Confidant . . .

Do you think I should lean more to "G"?   There are some perfect words here; Gratitude, Grace, Go, Great, Goodness . . .

Then again, maybe forget about the letters.  It seems that when Paul wrote to the Philippians, he was talking to me.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
May God's peace be with each of you.

But, G isn’t such a bad letter, right?

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