Sunday, August 5, 2018

Opportunities for Eggs

 “It’s MY job!  It’s my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open - waiting for you to maybe, someday, fall inside - if you needed it.  And if you do, I’ll love you.  And if you don’t, I’ll love you too!  Because that’s what it means to be a parent. You’ll see, someday” (This is Us:  Number Two) 

"Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead?  Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?  If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father in heaven, give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!”  Luke 11: 11-13.

I know some of you personally.  I know you are good parents and even if you’re not parents, you would be good parents.  The verse above has always haunted me a bit as a dad.  Give my child a scorpion?  Why would anyone do something so cruel?  I know that hyperbole is involved here, but still it paints an awful picture.

These words from Jesus were spoken as He teaches us about prayer.  Previous verses instruct in the way of the Our Father.  They talk about what it means to be a friend in the middle of the night and about asking and receiving.

Well, the quote from the TV show also haunted me a bit as a dad.  It’s NOT hyperbole. This advantage is my story.  I was the beneficiary of this grace in a hand-me-down fashion. This blessing:

  • Taught me how to live a decent life.  
  • Taught me how to make good decisions.  
  • Taught me how to share this blessing as a dad which taught my child how to bless the next generation (…and I gotta' say, it’s amazing to watch).  

And today, I’m thinking of those who do not have ‘family’.

I’m thinking of those who do not even have the opportunity to ask for eggs.

As a child of God, as the recipient of this generation after generation blessing, should I not be sharing this with God’s family?  Should I not be “standing there with my arms wide open - waiting”?  Should I not be more pro-active and available for those who have not been blessed with someone to give them eggs?

Should I not be living, “give us this day OUR daily bread”?

I can start there in prayer, even while keeping my eyes open for opportunities to be “standing there” waiting in love.

I can realize “it’s MY job!” I can remind myself that this is how God treats me.  I can take responsibility for the ‘generation’ that will be revealed to me.

I can modify the television script.

“It’s MY job!  It’s my job to keep standing there with my arms wide open - waiting for you to maybe, someday, fall inside - if you needed it.  And if you do, I’ll love you.  And if you don’t, I’ll love you too!  Because that’s what it means to be a parent child of God.  You’ll see, someday”.

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