What are you expecting your coffee to taste like?
For those of you who know me, I like coffee in a variety of forms. I tried searching to determine how many different ways there are to make coffee but all I found was, "7 way for this ...", "10 best methods ...." and more. I'm wondering if there is any limit.
I tried thinking of how many different ways I've brewed coffee in my lifetime and gave up that search as well. It's not that there are an unlimited number of them but the answer eludes me due to limits of memory - probably.
An exploration of what it means to "live in Christ" from the viewpoint of a regular, non-theologian guy just trying to make sense of it all. Maybe it's about being aware. Maybe it's about forgiveness toward others and myself. Maybe it's about love for others - and myself. Maybe it's about trust and putting God first. Maybe it's about all these things - and maybe these things only scratch the surface.
Sunday, November 5, 2017
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
There is a way to:
- Have better relationships with your sales contacts.
- Have better relationships with your team.
- Have better relationships with your employees.
- Have better relationships with your family and friends.
- Have better relationships with random strangers.
Saturday, August 12, 2017
What Choice Do I Have?
I've heard this question from others. I've lamented in this way myself a number of times. We say this when we're near the point of giving up - when we feel boxed-in and trapped.
"I know that what I'm doing (not doing) is (wrong, stupid, futile), but what choice do I have?"
There is no possible way to respond in a universal, one-size-fits-all, what-if scenario. But might we be placing ourselves in untenable situations due to choices made well before finding ourselves in that box?
Is it possible that seemingly insignificant choices made each day are generating unintended consequences in the outcome of our lives?
Let's say you're piloting an Airbus A340-500. You are transporting 370 souls to their dream destination 3,900 miles away. They are leaving a frigid Mid-January day in Minneapolis for the promise of the heat-infused beaches of Honolulu.
"I know that what I'm doing (not doing) is (wrong, stupid, futile), but what choice do I have?"
There is no possible way to respond in a universal, one-size-fits-all, what-if scenario. But might we be placing ourselves in untenable situations due to choices made well before finding ourselves in that box?
Is it possible that seemingly insignificant choices made each day are generating unintended consequences in the outcome of our lives?
Let's say you're piloting an Airbus A340-500. You are transporting 370 souls to their dream destination 3,900 miles away. They are leaving a frigid Mid-January day in Minneapolis for the promise of the heat-infused beaches of Honolulu.
Saturday, August 5, 2017
Morning Possibilities
We come with beautiful secrets
We come with purposes written on our hearts, written on our souls
We come to every new morning
With possibilities only we can hold, that only we can hold
Redemption comes in strange place, small spaces
Calling out the best of who we are
"Add To The Beauty"
Sara Groves YouTube
Would not most of us want to be the best of who we are?
Would not most of us want to be fulfilling our purpose?
We can start again every morning.
We can open our eyes and our hearts with each new dawn.
We can hear those whispered fleeting nudges.
Things like
We come with purposes written on our hearts, written on our souls
We come to every new morning
With possibilities only we can hold, that only we can hold
Redemption comes in strange place, small spaces
Calling out the best of who we are
"Add To The Beauty"
Sara Groves YouTube
Would not most of us want to be the best of who we are?
Would not most of us want to be fulfilling our purpose?
We can start again every morning.
We can open our eyes and our hearts with each new dawn.
We can hear those whispered fleeting nudges.
Things like
Saturday, July 29, 2017
Another Lesson from Madam Secretary
Two complimentary lessons - in one morning!
You already know I read a number of blogs. I'm fussy because my inbox is already filled with over 100 emails every day. But there are a number of them that I look forward to. They remind me, they teach and they inspire on a pretty regular basis.
At 6:00 AM today:
Skipping the Nuance from A Learning a Day
Writing can be many things. It can be a medium with which we drive change. It can feed our soul. With every piece of content we share, we decide whether we want to raise the standard of discussion or lower it. And, we do all of this by putting a piece of ourselves out there.It was the 'feed our soul' comment that made me sit up, take another sip of coffee and pause to consider why I've written these little blurbs - and why I've been neglectful for so long. I didn't come to a solution. But the fact that I recognized that I missed writing because I miss feeding my soul made me a little sad.
Saturday, June 17, 2017
That will be $2.37
$2.37? But your sign says $1.00!! |
I thought, "Are there surcharges to get into heaven?" People have been asking how to 'be saved' for hundreds of years. They're still asking! Any chance we're missing something here?
Sunday, June 4, 2017
How God Uses Our Hurts and Failures
Click the link above to watch the video.
Monday, May 29, 2017
Muscle Memory & Gratefulness - Part 4
If you're still with me, maybe you're in agreement that sometimes it's necessary to work on things in order to get better at things.
We've been talking about muscle/motor memory and gratitude. They don't seem to fit together but the point would be; if we want to get better at recognizing gifts and responding immediately and graciously, we will need to work on it.
Wednesday, May 24, 2017
Muscle Memory & Gratefulness - Part 3
Thinking that the case for being a grateful person was pretty much a slam-dunk (Part 1 and Part 2), I thought I'd take a second to investigate opposing thoughts. I actually didn't think there would be any.
Surprise! There are opposing views for everything and I should know this by now.
Interestingly enough, some naysayers make a good point or two.
Let me paraphrase a few of the objections promoted by those who feel gratitude isn't necessarily a good thing.
Surprise! There are opposing views for everything and I should know this by now.
Interestingly enough, some naysayers make a good point or two.
Let me paraphrase a few of the objections promoted by those who feel gratitude isn't necessarily a good thing.
Thursday, May 18, 2017
Muscle Memory & Gratefulness - Part 2
In the last post, short descriptions and examples were reported for the words muscle memory and motor memory. Gratefulness was only briefly mentioned and just a small amount of time was spent connecting the two thoughts.
An initial response might be to ask why this connection is important.
First, the ability to do hundreds of things without conscious thought makes living manageable.
Second, it would be my guess that most of us believe that we are grateful people. We would also agree that sometimes, we forget. Since we occasionally need reminders, let's consider how it may be possible for gratitude to be our default position. What if our very first thought was, "Thank you"?
Growing up I remember hearing, "Did you write Grandma a thank you note for your birthday present?" "Did you send thank you cards to the people that sent a gift for your graduation?"
About that wedding day, how long did it take to get those cards out?
There are hundreds of like examples. Every day I'm sure that I miss being grateful somewhere. Let's start with the fact that I was wonderfully created by a loving God! How often do I miss THAT one?
An initial response might be to ask why this connection is important.
First, the ability to do hundreds of things without conscious thought makes living manageable.
Second, it would be my guess that most of us believe that we are grateful people. We would also agree that sometimes, we forget. Since we occasionally need reminders, let's consider how it may be possible for gratitude to be our default position. What if our very first thought was, "Thank you"?
Growing up I remember hearing, "Did you write Grandma a thank you note for your birthday present?" "Did you send thank you cards to the people that sent a gift for your graduation?"
About that wedding day, how long did it take to get those cards out?
There are hundreds of like examples. Every day I'm sure that I miss being grateful somewhere. Let's start with the fact that I was wonderfully created by a loving God! How often do I miss THAT one?
Sunday, May 14, 2017
Muscle Memory & Gratefulness - Part 1
It's been nearly 8 months since I sold my condo and began a nomadic lifestyle. I've been with family (thank you!), with friends (again - thanks!) and in hotels. Shortly, I think I'll plant myself in a more permanent location. Thank you!
You might think from the first paragraph that gratefulness during times like this is important. Of course it is. But what has that to do with muscle memory?
Muscle memory (or perhaps a better term, motor memory) has been on my mind lately.
Take a moment to consider the number of unconscious decisions and motions that we make just walking up stairs. (As I write this, I realize that typing is another example.)
Bend your knee and lift your left leg up towards your chest about 8 inches in order to clear the riser. While leaning toward the stairway slightly, move your leg forward 6 inches bringing it to the center of the stair. Place your left foot on the riser. Put your weight on the left foot while you lift your right leg at the knee moving it up towards your chest about 8 inches. Again, move it forward and then down letting it rest next to your left leg. With additional forward lean, use the muscle in your thigh to pull your body up the stair. When this is complete, center your weight on both feet. Do this 22 times.
How much thought do you give to getting out of bed in the morning?
You might think from the first paragraph that gratefulness during times like this is important. Of course it is. But what has that to do with muscle memory?
Muscle memory (or perhaps a better term, motor memory) has been on my mind lately.
Take a moment to consider the number of unconscious decisions and motions that we make just walking up stairs. (As I write this, I realize that typing is another example.)
Bend your knee and lift your left leg up towards your chest about 8 inches in order to clear the riser. While leaning toward the stairway slightly, move your leg forward 6 inches bringing it to the center of the stair. Place your left foot on the riser. Put your weight on the left foot while you lift your right leg at the knee moving it up towards your chest about 8 inches. Again, move it forward and then down letting it rest next to your left leg. With additional forward lean, use the muscle in your thigh to pull your body up the stair. When this is complete, center your weight on both feet. Do this 22 times.
How much thought do you give to getting out of bed in the morning?
Sunday, April 30, 2017
Airborne Mortarboards
Graduation ceremonies come in all varieties from Kindergarten celebrations to the more formal you're-going-into-the world-now events.
News stations have recently begun broadcasting sound bites from politicians, celebrities and those famously submersed in academia that are willing to dispense encouragement, advice and all other manners of wisdom to the accomplished.
Commencement speeches have the ability to influence thought and action. These orations can deeply impact the cap and gown audience but repercussions do not stop with the diploma wielders.
Years ago, a gift of grace was delivered in the form of an audio file. (You know who you are and gratitude is endless for this and so much more!) Although it isn't exactly a commencement address, most of us thought it was. Perception creates the reality but nevertheless, it's simple, elegant and says something to all who have ears to hear.
News stations have recently begun broadcasting sound bites from politicians, celebrities and those famously submersed in academia that are willing to dispense encouragement, advice and all other manners of wisdom to the accomplished.
Commencement speeches have the ability to influence thought and action. These orations can deeply impact the cap and gown audience but repercussions do not stop with the diploma wielders.
Years ago, a gift of grace was delivered in the form of an audio file. (You know who you are and gratitude is endless for this and so much more!) Although it isn't exactly a commencement address, most of us thought it was. Perception creates the reality but nevertheless, it's simple, elegant and says something to all who have ears to hear.
Photo Credit: Visual Hunt |
Tuesday, April 25, 2017
The first note from Cincinnati
How are you!
It's been a while - again. The last post was a type of goodbye to family and friends. And, I'll admit, that getting back into a routine has been difficult. I'm working on it.
I'm not settled and cannot claim a 'place of my own'. I am grateful that the decision could be delayed for a time while investigating neighborhoods, distances, amenities and convenience. Desperation had not reared it's head.
I'm also not settled in a church community. But investigating this home has been quite an experience. Some of you have made suggestions as you were able - appreciated, truly!
I've been to well more than a dozen communities - so far. .
How are you!
It's been a while - again. The last post was a type of goodbye to family and friends. And, I'll admit, that getting back into a routine has been difficult. I'm working on it.
I'm not settled and cannot claim a 'place of my own'. I am grateful that the decision could be delayed for a time while investigating neighborhoods, distances, amenities and convenience. Desperation had not reared it's head.
I'm also not settled in a church community. But investigating this home has been quite an experience. Some of you have made suggestions as you were able - appreciated, truly!
I've been to well more than a dozen communities - so far. .
Saturday, February 18, 2017
Far from the Home I Love
YouTube Link: The Fiddler on the Roof: Far from the Home I Love
Tevye and his daughter Hodel are talking.
So you are leaving your home to join that hero of yours?
But why won't you tell me where he is now, this Joseph of yours?
It is far, Papa, terribly far.
He is in a settlement in Siberia.
Siberia? And he asks you to leave your father and mother to join him in that frozen wasteland?
And marry him there?
No, Papa, he did not ask me to go, I want to go.
I don't want him to be alone.
I want to help him in his work.
Tevye and his daughter Hodel are talking.
So you are leaving your home to join that hero of yours?
But why won't you tell me where he is now, this Joseph of yours?
It is far, Papa, terribly far.
He is in a settlement in Siberia.
Siberia? And he asks you to leave your father and mother to join him in that frozen wasteland?
And marry him there?
No, Papa, he did not ask me to go, I want to go.
I don't want him to be alone.
I want to help him in his work.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017
Praying Hands

Franciscan nuns made certain we were kneeling in formation-like rows exhibiting the traditional praying-hands posture. Hundreds of us posed in exactly the same way, pew by pew, must have been a little bit impressive.
When I was 8, I doubt that I spent any time at all considering what it meant to hold my hands in this position. I'm sure that I was more concerned that fingers were straight, pointing upward, hands tightly together with the thumbs crossed in the proper direction. The nuns were watching!
Thursday, January 26, 2017
The Interview Process
Looking for a job is tough - for everyone it seems!
I was thinking a little humor might help.
Flaws of Biblical Proportions by RightNowMedia.com
YouTube Link
Finding the Perfect Small Group Leader
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Colossians 3:23-34
Monday, January 23, 2017
What Else Will You Lie About?
Well, that's not a very nice question to start the week! It comes to mind because of that "funk" I was talking about in a recent post.
Every decision made results in some consequence, good or bad. We choose our paths based on the best information we have for the best possible outcome. Choosing one option automatically dismisses all others and a new path has begun.
A brief search reveals that an average adult makes between 5,000 and 35,000 decisions each day. Whoa, I'm exhausted!
For our purposes today, we'll speak only of decisions affecting personal and business relationships. (That might not narrow the field much. I'll have to think about that.)
Today's post title was taken directly from Seth Godin's blog of the same name. It will take you about 33 seconds to read and basically asks businesses is it better to tell a small lie or just be honest? Go ahead. Click the link. I'll wait.
I was faced with a decision that was similar. Should a corporate website indicate that it supports a variety of charities when in fact, it does not? The explanation given for this 'discrepency' was, "Well, they're near and dear to our heart. And, nonprofits appreciate any exposure they can get."
It was time to make another decision. I could accept and rationalize the given explanation and continue onward or I could say, "That's wrong. I won't do it." Now then, since every decision has consequences, what will be effect on the relationships involved here?
Every decision made results in some consequence, good or bad. We choose our paths based on the best information we have for the best possible outcome. Choosing one option automatically dismisses all others and a new path has begun.
A brief search reveals that an average adult makes between 5,000 and 35,000 decisions each day. Whoa, I'm exhausted!
For our purposes today, we'll speak only of decisions affecting personal and business relationships. (That might not narrow the field much. I'll have to think about that.)
Today's post title was taken directly from Seth Godin's blog of the same name. It will take you about 33 seconds to read and basically asks businesses is it better to tell a small lie or just be honest? Go ahead. Click the link. I'll wait.
![]() |
Visual Hunt |
It was time to make another decision. I could accept and rationalize the given explanation and continue onward or I could say, "That's wrong. I won't do it." Now then, since every decision has consequences, what will be effect on the relationships involved here?
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Two Questions
The Bucket List. One of my favorites.
Bucket List, 2007. Morgan Freeman & Jack Nicholson |
Have you found joy in your life?
Has your life brought joy to others?
Monday, January 9, 2017
Consider it Pure Joy: Not.
Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:2-5
When I added the above scripture quote to the last article, I felt pretty good about it. But, not many hours later, that was no longer true. There was no evidence pointing to 'pure joy'.
And here's one from Paul:
That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, and in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Corinthians 12:10You guessed it. Not feeling so strong either at this moment in time. What the...?
Thursday, January 5, 2017
Be with me Lord
July 3, 2016. That was the last time I wrote for this little blog. 6 months already.
There's a couple of people that read my musings. (Thank you!) When catching up with a few of you over the holidays with e-cards, real snail-mail cards and phone calls, it was brought to my attention that Sandals and a Stick has been very quiet.
Short quips answered you with the likes of, "I've not been in the mood", or "It seems that it's been hard to write lately".
There's a couple of people that read my musings. (Thank you!) When catching up with a few of you over the holidays with e-cards, real snail-mail cards and phone calls, it was brought to my attention that Sandals and a Stick has been very quiet.
Short quips answered you with the likes of, "I've not been in the mood", or "It seems that it's been hard to write lately".
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