Sunday, May 24, 2015


It's that time of year. Our weekends are spent in celebration as we congratulate each and every High School Graduate!

I did just a little research on the tests that are required for college entrance.  Whoa.  I am seriously grateful that I am well beyond the High School Junior status!

There are generally two main tests that colleges consider when reviewing applicants;  The SAT and the ACT.  Click here for sample ACT questions (if you dare).
Thinking that some kind of graph would be interesting, I found more than I bargained for.  Similar to our obsession with the statistics recorded at sporting events, we measure every detail of these exams as well.  A few examples:
  • How parental income affects scores
  • How student nutrition can affect scores
  • Parental involvement and it's influence on scores
  • Averages and trends by State
  • Averages and trends by School
  • National Averages and trends
  • Minimum and maximum acceptance and rejection scores
  • Racial influence on scores
This whole thing is critically important to the students, the parents and the schools. A tremendous amount of effort, concentration and practice is put into these tests to say nothing of the pressure and trepidation experienced by the tested.  

This got me thinking. 

What kind of tests are required for entrance into the Kingdom of God?  What is the minimum score required for admission?  How important is diet? (Oh, I'm hoping not so very much!) Can I blame my mother for a low score?  (Not gonna' happen, Mom!)  How do we study for this?  After all, what could be more important than eternal life?  

I've been told that there is nothing I can do to earn the Kingdom of God.  I've also been told that
..."all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."  Romans 3;24.  

So, what's left for me to do?  Apparently, God isn't asking for blood sacrifice and burnt offerings but,

YouVersion Bible App

Apparently there's no test, then.  There are no statistics.  There are no scores.  I need not analyze statistics.  I need not graph averages or trends.  I need not experience the trepidation of the tested.

It's a matter of choice to ACT in a particular way and to walk in a particular direction. I will simply put on sandals and carry a stick while making every effort to;

Live with a sense of right and wrong, 
Embrace loving kindness and forgiveness,  
Gratefully recognize a complete dependence on God.   

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I really liked this one Mike! It is most definitely a "Matter of Choice"...those who chose not so intentionally.