Thursday, July 2, 2015

Which Way is Happiness?

Since I'm directionally challenged, I checked my app.  Happiness is not searchable on Waze.

It isn't knocking on my door and frankly, I'm a little tired of waiting for the Prize Patrol.  Even if they did show up, I'm not sure they'd be bringing any happiness with them.

Facebook?  Twitter?  Don't bother.

Hand slapping forehead. I feel so stupid.  I should have just clicked the Supreme Guru of Information.  Google.

Searching "How to Find Happiness" returns 73 Million hits within 0.53 seconds.  Start reading and be happy!

10 Ways to Find Happiness
10 Keys to Happier Living
7 Tips for How to be Happy
14 Tips for How to find Happiness in your Life
Why You're Not Happy - 6 Common Barriers

To be honest, I didn't read any of these articles. I have every confidence that they are written much like this post - good intentions with a dream of helping. However, we all know that happiness is difficult to define, difficult to experience and ever changing - probably.

Although there are certainly many suggestions for attaining this allusive status, contentment has to be a major ingredient.  Gratitude applies as well, since it seems logical that one can't be grateful and malcontent at the same time.

So let's start there - with appreciation.  Right now.  Right in this very moment.  A logical next step would be to do it again.  Right now.  Right in THIS very moment.  In each moment, the choice will be either thankfulness for _________, or complaints about ___________.   Believe it or not, we make this choice all day, every day, with little thought.

Thankfulness makes you look toward hope and excitement.  The other - well, doesn't.  The first allows for the enjoyment of good things when they appear.  The second completely negates that possibility.

If we continually believe;  that our friend will be late, that gas prices will be higher today because we were too tired to stop yesterday, that it will rain shortly because the car was just washed, that we won't get that job because someone else is more deserving or better qualified or that there's no way possible to get a break in this world, we've made the second choice.

It seems that Paul knew and lived the first option.  Maybe it was easier for him than us.  He did walk the earth with Jesus, of course.  But somehow, being human, I think it was every bit as hard for him as it is for us. And yet, in far fewer words than this article, he shares the real source of contentment and peace.

I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.     Philippians 4:12-13

I'm ready to begin. In this moment, I'm thankful for _______________...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am Thankful for Friends like YOU (whom I have never met face to face) that Jesus sent to me........greatly and sincerely Thankful.