Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Nobody Sees You

More rare than you'd think, but it does happen that someone cares enough to give great advice.

As I was beginning a fundraising "adventure" called Segway Off the Streets, a great man who loves the freedom of wind-in-your-face motorcycle experiences, said,
"When riding your Segway, assume you are absolutely invisible to every driver and pedestrian around you. If you DO become visible, assume they are aiming for you."
Both on that ride as well as driving and walking around town, this advice has served me well for a number of years now. By the way, the "aiming for you" part has been experientially tested and verified.

Good advice comes from best practice employment.
 Can you guess which of these people is the author of this advice?

Of course we should watch what others are doing while driving a motorized vehicle, biking, boating, walking and even flying, for you pilots out there.  Of course we should be aware - and defensive.

This is a best practice for interaction with today's environment.  But if you think about it, were we all more aware, there would be fewer reasons to be aware!  If we were all defensive drivers, there would be less of a reason to be defensive!  Just saying.

The issue is obvious. Not everybody is aware, defensive and alert.  Not everyone has met my brother. (They should!)

Rules of the road help us navigate safely.  These are things like;
  • Signal your turn at least 100 feet before turning.
  • The speed limit on urban roads is 30 mph.
  • You may not exceed the speed limit when passing another vehicle.
Courtesy on the road is another matter.  These are things like:
  • Zipper Merge
  • Correct use of the passing lane
  • Allowing someone to enter the highway by moving to the left lane
But, whether on the road or navigating life, one rule covers awareness, defensiveness, alertness and courtesy.  It's something that helps us see others and in turn, they'll see us as well.

It's something we were all taught as children.

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. Matt 7:12

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