Sunday, June 30, 2024

The Pull of Black Apples

Count Alexander Ilyich Rostov (Ewen McGregor) tells a childhood story at a gathering of friends in the television series, A Gentleman in Moscow.

“Where I grew up, there was an old legend that, hidden deep in the forest, there was a tree with apples as black as coal. And if you could find this tree and eat its fruit, you could live your life anew.

“Begin the journey again... a tantalizing thought.

“When we're young, we...we imagine our lives stretching out before us... an arrow-straight path through the forest.

“And at our age, we look behind us and all we see are trees... the path long since obscured by all the twists and turns that life takes.

“Hardly recognize the person we once were.

“But there is nothing that would make me eat that apple because even though it might erase the terrible wrongs and the unfortunate events of my life, it would also undo all the joy and happiness that I've had along the way.

“the friends that I've loved...

“this wonderful life that I give thanks for every day.”

Alexander then makes a toast - “So... To a life lived without regret.”

Would you raise your glass of wine for Alexander's toast?

Perhaps you’d rather follow Marina’s (Leah Harvey) proposal to honor a black apple lunch and start all over again. 

“Wait. Wait! I would like to make a toast.

“I would eat the bloody apple.”
All. “To eating the bloody apple.”

Just so you know, Marina said her toast was in jest.

There’s no answer for anyone here – just the question. 

Are you grateful enough for the life you have been given to agree with Alexander that the goodness in your life is a treasure worth keeping at any cost, even the enticement of a black apple's start-over promise? 

I'm not sure why I decided to watch this TV series, but I think it was the gallows humor in the YouTube trailer when Alexander says, "Ah. G sharp I believe.” 

And for that decision, I must now answer the question.

It will be OK. Even if I feel disappointed with my answer, I can become the grateful person I want to be with God's mercy, forgiveness, and love.

"They can take away everything. But they can't take away who you are."

Rest in peace, Mom.
Rest in peace, Anthony.

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