Sunday, June 23, 2024

That Which Shall Not Be Named

Things are heating up – seriously. And it is time to talk about ‘that which shall not be named.’ 

No, it is not Lord Voldemort. We talk about him all the time now that the Horcruxes have all been found and destroyed. 

I do not say this lightly, but this topic is as scary to me as the ‘Unspeakable’ character was to Harry, Ron, and Hermoine.


Now ‘named,’ my fear looms large. I tremble with the polarization this word elicits. And since I write about trying to live a life on the pathway of Jesus, I shake even more. I wonder if my humble endeavor called Sandals and a Stick will survive such a post. I hope this is not the last.

NOTICE: I will remind you that unsubscribing is easy, should you wish. I truly hope you do not, but the choice is yours and you will not be chased down with guilt trips or why-did-you-leave questions.

Regardless of your political leanings, there is no judgment here. This discussion matters to every voter, regardless of party affiliation. And yet, it does not apply equally to everyone. Some identify as Christian; others do not. But in this arena, these differences seem trivial.

As you participate, please keep an open mind sprinkled generously with patience, understanding, and the love of your neighbor. In that light, consider, ponder, and internally examine the opinions and the historical points offered. 

Personal bias will intrude and attempt, perhaps demand, that you adhere to common day cancel culture. But reject the temptation. Disagreement is not the enemy, but a closed mind is. Continue walking this path to its conclusion. 

And I need to let you know that this is a long path. 

I seek to know, examine, hear, and form a relationship with God through Jesus. I remain committed to looking inward with a critical eye. I look to see where I have misunderstood while considering something right when it was wrong. The reverse must also be true. But always, I am looking for the hand of God’s Spirit to guide me. 

The state of our world is not just uncomfortable; it is intolerable. I have lived over 70 years and witnessed society’s fabric as it frayed. My opinion might clash with yours, but I believe that even substantial disagreements should not sever love. I hope that even those not on board with Jesus would disavow hatred based on opinions. The plow is, we are told, mightier than the sword.

I see so many examples where one single word violently divides us. And there are more of these words every day. Something is happening and it scares me to death.

So, I search for answers to heal my torment. I look for clues to help me bridge the painful feelings of disappointment with understanding and love. I fail often, but as one teacher said, “We are not allowed to give up.” 

Finally getting to the point, I have decided to share a series of talks presented by Josh Crain, Senior Pastor of Verve City Church, Chino California. Josh has been a staple in my list of teachers for over 10 years. He is an intelligent, down-to-earth person who genuinely cares for people. He is an engaging speaker and sometimes pretty darn funny too. 

He has tackled the issue of Politics and Jesus well. I have written to him before and did so a few weeks ago, once again. I confirmed that I had gleaned more insight into these issues than ever before. I thanked him for his bravery in speaking out publicly. I told him that I hoped I could someday be as brave. I was not surprised that he replied. As busy as I believe he must be, that is just who he is. 

It might have taken several weeks, but finally, I am trying to make good on this wishful prayer. I am stepping out publicly on this topic. I am fully aware that I can take little credit as I am only offering the words of Josh. Even so, my fear consumes me. 

I disdain making enemies and confrontation is typically avoided at all costs. But I am disappointed in the way things are in this country today. It is painful to see what has happened to some of my relationships. 

Therefore, since I so very much admired these well-planned, cohesive, easy-to-understand, and compassionately intelligent presentations that walked me through these difficult and divisive topics, I am sharing links to each of the weekly sermons. 

  • I hope you will start watching and taking notes. 
  • I hope you will watch them in order. 
  • I hope that you will see it through to the very end. 
  • I hope you will find things that will help you in your relationships when faced with disagreements and misunderstandings. 
  • I hope that you will see a way to love – no matter what.

And since I am hoping so much, I also hope you come back next week.

Without further ado, but with serious trepidation nonetheless, the journey begins. 

Note: Each video is a little less than 60 minutes.

“Verve City Church won't tell you who to vote for. We won't tell you which policies to support or which politicians to be outraged at. But we need to have an entirely necessary and honest conversation about politics. For some, politics has become their religion. Others have lost relationships with friends and family members over a difference in political opinion. This is a great series to invite someone to sit with you. Let’s explore together: How can followers of Jesus thoughtfully maintain their Christian witness in a fractured political environment?”  YouTube Series Overview.

Party Crasher #1: How Jesus transcends politics; Why no nation can be a Christian Nation.

Party Crasher #2: How Jesus transcends politics; The Spirit of our politics with Michael Wear.

Party Crasher #3: How Jesus transcends politics; When Politics Pulls Us Apart.

Party Crasher #4: How Jesus transcends politics: How Christianity Gave Away its Influence.

Party Crasher # 5: How Jesus transcends politics; How Christians can be Democrats and Republicans.

Party Crasher #6: How Jesus transcends politics; Politics in the Way of Jesus.

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