Sunday, January 28, 2024

dum spiro, spero


Breath quickens as frustration takes hold. It’s just for a second as I examine the damage. Although it was violently clipped, the foot and its toes will be okay. There is no permanent damage. Nothing is broken. 

The remnants of this event are clear. A new landscape has been created in the living room. Rolling hills of black dirt sporting green stems and leaves cover the floor. At center stage in this new scenery sits an upended ceramic pot spilling its contents in a large mound. What was an ancient Spider Plant has crashed and will be in dire need of intensive care. 

I took a deep breath. Not so bad. I can deal. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Consider The Q and The A

Conversation starters are used to provide the other with a topic to open common dialogue. Generally speaking, these are questions.

I was reading an article that provided, in the writer’s opinion, good questions to be lobbed at someone to initiate a response and continued discussion.

Here are a few.

  1. Did you listen to anything interesting today?
  2. How much coffee did you drink today?
  3. What app did you open most today?
  4. Did you give anyone a side-eye today? What did they do to deserve it?

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Cold Perspective

You might be expecting something specific with that title. But in a way, it’s a play on words. 

According to the social science of Psychology, decision-making can be hot or cold. Cold perspective decisions are made using only facts and are completely divorced from any emotional influence. “All we want are the facts, ma’am,” says Dragnet’s Joe Friday. (Links below)

A couple of years ago, I flirted with the idea of a series called Perspectives. I still have all the notes, and maybe someday, these articles will find your inbox. I considered things like age, pain, cultural status, the Grand Canyon, viewpoints, and a few more. 

But today, the play on words mentioned above refers directly to the temperature and current weather conditions.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

It's Beyond Hope

It's late already today. I am finally getting to this task. I have usually published by now. But up until this moment, I was finding it impossible to decide on today's topic, let alone how I might flesh it out.

My weekly commitment felt beyond hope.

And then I started thinking about that term. The one in the last sentence. The one in the subject line. The one that can be translated as hopelessness.

"Not true", the voice in my head firmly declared.