Sunday, August 13, 2023

People of Hope


I'm willing to bet that at one time or another, perhaps even right now, we have all needed a generous dose of hope. It kinda' goes back to that "Faith, Hope, and Love" mantra that used to be a common expression. I wish I heard it more often in today's world. I wish that it actually meant something in today's world - maybe more to the point.

So, this hope thing. It's not like I could take a walk and pick it from a hope tree. I can't grab a net and catch some in a local stream. And, with all of the retail supply issues, fat chance I'm going to find it on the shelf of a local Walmart. 

 Ideas then.

  • Maybe I could start by stopping. For a while at least, I could say enough of the news cycle. 
  • Maybe I need to take in the view from a mountaintop, a quiet forest, a peaceful garden, or fly above the clouds like an eagle. 
  • Maybe I need to spend some time with uplifting music on YouTube. 
  • Maybe I need to spend more time with God's word.

But perhaps there's something else that is just as important. 

  • Maybe I should try speaking kind words to a friend - or a stranger. 
  • Maybe I should make a point to smile at the next 10 people I see.
  • Maybe I should notice when someone seems to be in distress - and take the time to help.
  • Maybe I need to pray about all of this.

That mantra above is ringing in my ears now. It seems that all three nouns in that short sentence have something in common. To share faith, to share hope, and to share love means that in addition to encouraging another person, our reservoir of the same also increases.

In sharing, we find faith and love - and hope.  

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