Sunday, May 9, 2021


 I always buy Skippy Peanut Butter.  As a snack, it goes quite well with bananas.  

I tried buying another brand once.  I peeled the banana and then opened the jar.  There was a shimmering pool of oil (or some viscous substance) floating above what I assume was the peanut butter.  The sight made me think I should be 'Oreo-dunking' the banana.  Still, after many years, the thought makes me well, gag a little.

It was not difficult to promise myself that I would never experiment again. I deduced it was not good to fool with Mother Nature.  Sorry, scratch the word ‘Nature’ in favor of ‘Taylor’.
You see, my mother only bought Skippy so when I grew up, that is all I purchased as well.  I never even gave it a second thought – except for that one time.

I find it interesting because there were also times when my mother said (with that look in her eye), “How do you know you don’t like it if you’ve never tried it?”  Granted, this was usually referring to some experimental hotdish recipe’ that was, in my mind, luminescent with a kind of putrid yellow as it bubbled on the table in some greenish-but-not-the-pretty-green soup-with-lumps consistency.

“Pass”, I said.  And I would respond in the same way today!  “How do I know that I don’t like it?  I just do, thank you very much.”

Alright then, what is the plan going forward?  Do we put our trust in “Mother knows best” or would we be best served by a “buyer beware” approach?

I know a lot of mothers – so do you.

What I know about every mother in my sphere tells me that they would never, ever do anything that would harm me.  Mothers live in life-giving and sometimes lifesaving modes.  It is a wise child who listens.  

I also know that in addition to the protection clause of the Mother’s handbook, there is the ‘get-thee-out-of-the-nest-and-take-flight’ clause as well.   These two mandates dovetail into the confusion mentioned above. At the same time, these two decrees bring some clarity. 

Mother knows best indicates Skippy is the primo choice for our family.  But an attitude of ‘buyer beware’ is the wrong approach and should be tempered more in the ‘trust me’ direction.  Moms have your wellbeing in their hearts. They have your back.

And just as a reminder, so does God.
As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you and you will be comforted over Jerusalem. Isaiah 66:13:

Happy Mother’s Day to every mother, father, and substitute guardian.  We are grateful for your teachings, comfort, and support.  We acknowledge your sacrifice and pray God’s blessing on you.

I recognize that given the content above, you may be confused by the title.  I indeed resolved to buy only Skippy.  But Covid-19 got in the way.  I was forced to try another.  Compelled by bananas that were turning black, I acquiesced.  I discovered that Jif Peanut Butter was a viable substitute for my inherited preference after all.

Dear Mom,

I appreciate your peanut butter guidance.  

I am grateful for experimental hotdishes.

I am in awe of the faith and trust that you put into me as I stumbled about the process of growing into a decision-making adult.

I am thankful, and at the same time very sorry, for all of those should-have-been-verbalized ‘gratefuls’ provided by you without complaint as you sacrificed so much demonstrating to me how to live in Christ.  

May you rest in the hands of a loving God until I see you once again. 


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