Sunday, March 21, 2021


It is difficult to listen to the news, talk with others, or even watch a sermon without being reminded of  “THE Anniversary”.  We are all aware that it has been one year since Covid-19 was declared a pandemic.

Alright but here's something to celebrate. “Happy Spring, everybody!”.

It could be only the spring of 2021.  It could also be the spring that marks the 'beginning-of-the-end' for this virus (heavy on maybe). 

Spring is a time of renewal.  It means that the long dark nights of bitter cold are giving way to the apple blossoms of Washington D.C. (someday I’ll see them).  Around here, we’re hearing of winter giving way to Brood X, the once every 17 years Cicada invasion.  You’ll probably hear more about this in future articles.  Just to clear the air, the pun is intended.

Spring is also a time of reflection and I’ve been ruminating about a few things triggered by a couple of exposures of my own.

1. “We’ve All Been Exposed”, by Sarah Bourns

2. – “Make Kindness Loud” by Chip Gaines

I can already tell that if I keep typing, I will far exceed the typical length of these posts.  It will be better to just hand these over to you and let you dwell on them privately.

I’ll be brief while I add Just a couple of my own opinions before I say good-bye.

We’ve All Been Exposed starts with the following two paragraphs and then takes readers much deeper.  I printed this poem and will spend some time in a quiet place reading it very slowly.  I wonder what I’ll discover about myself.  I wonder what you will discover about yourself.

“We’ve all been exposed.
Not necessarily to the virus
(maybe…who even knows ).
We’ve all been exposed BY the virus.”

“Corona is exposing us.
Exposing our weak sides.
Exposing our dark sides.
Exposing what normally lays far beneath the surface of our souls,
hidden by the invisible masks we wear.
Now exposed by the paper masks we can’t hide far enough behind.”

The very next day, another article hit my inbox.  This challenge from FaithGateway prods us to make kindness:

“Louder than Chaos
Louder than hate.”

The article provides several suggestions for making kindness louder.  Some will probably be familiar.  Some will excite you.  Some will trigger your own ideas.  

A while ago, I had thought I’d start something too.  It is called #Groupsof10.  Sadly, there are no victories to report.  

But let me just say, that if you are interested, if you know someone who would be interested, if you care to share this concept, or are willing to start your own group, please let me know as I will certainly sign up!  

Perhaps this particular pandemic is subsiding.  But the need for coming together, for supporting and helping each other will never be diminished.  It's who we are meant to be.

We can be ‘Kindness-loud’ as individuals.
We will be ‘Kindness-deafening’ in groups.

For more information:

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