Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Week, Monday Day 2 - Embrace Follicles

Like most of you, I take a shower every morning.  (I hear the applause!  Thank you. Thank you.)

But here's the thing.  It seems like every morning, I am faced with the task of cleaning the drain cover.  Maybe it's me, but it seems like I'm losing more hair every day. I apologize if this is a bit gross for your taste, but I'm making a good point if you can handle it.

Now, don't get me wrong.  I don't think it's a medical issue as I believe it's more a drain cover issue.  The holes are smaller!  Really!

I've read that we lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day and hair is replaced at the rate of six inches per year. That's enough to cause an issue in the tub, right?  (Raised hands acknowledged!)

But maybe it does affect me in some way because hair covers the head and the head covers the brain and (my) brain thinks about these weird things!  

Today's hair-brained weirdness is this.  What if we didn't lose any hair? 

If you remember, or perhaps it's still an issue where you live, all hair salons were closed for a while.  I was not one of the lucky ones to have prepared in advance. I was pretty shaggy after a couple of months without this service. Quick math tells me I had nearly 2 inches of extra hair before I was granted a mask-covered appointment.  I even felt a little naked when I walked out of there.  (Toxic-image apologies.)

You're right.  I need to get to the root of the matter. (Oh my.  I am in such a flaky place today).

As I was lamenting the 'loss', it occurred to me that if I changed my thought process, I could see that it was more blessing than loss. We do lose hair and that can be a good thing if you are unable to get it professionally cut.  

The next thought got a little deeper. Looking at my complaints, it is more than possible that hidden deep inside the recesses of thought, many of them could be recognized as blessings in disguise. Maybe I'll start calling them follicle-follies. Oh boy. 

Right about now, another less-gross example would probably be beneficial.

As I said my "Gratefuls" this morning, I was struck by the idea that 'lack' invites creativity.  I looked back at a few of the things that have happened in the past few years and noticed that when resources were scarce, I improvised.  I'm actually kind of proud of some of these creative solutions.  I'm grateful that I saved money, recycled, and thought my way out of a problem. And in some cases, I recognized that the 'lack' wasn't even something that was lacking.  

I lessened my footprint.  I became a little more minimalistic.  But note this one. I became more 'content'.  THAT, my friends, is a blessing.

Well, we took a hair-raising route today going from Don't-clog-the-drain Avenue to Macgyver Innovation Boulevard. I hope you weren't wigged out by the topic.  I hope you'll forgive the I-just-can't-help-it puns.  

But I really hope that you might re-visit the initial thought of bad-hair days of every-day situations. We don't know the future and they could very well become our best days. In fact, even the term 'bad hair day' can be reconfigured to read, "I HAVE hair day!" For some, that is or certainly would be a blessing. 

And now, with great aplomb, I announce that I am officially out of your hair.

"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." Philippians 4:8


Although I have not researched the stories included, some interesting examples can be found by clicking this link.   Morgan House: We Have No Idea What Happens Next


2020 has been an extremely difficult year.  The suggestion of evaluating bad things in a new light is not to dismiss the tragedy that has happened to so many of us.  This is not a talk-yourself-into-a-don't-worry-be-happy life. The experiences are real and in many cases devastating. The prayer centers around healing. The petition asks that after walking through the valley of death, we can look back and see where God was working to move us through this darkness into the light. 

We celebrate this Light during this season. 

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