Sunday, December 29, 2019

Someone Is Missing

Yes, it’s time.  For the past 6 years, I have been using what is called Word-of-the-Year as a spiritual focal point.  And, up until this year, I’ve known what that word would be a month or so ahead of time.  I have looked forward to creating the visuals and changing the passwords that incorporate this word into my daily routines. The list through 2019:

  • Deeper (Go Deeper)
  • Shema (Listen – be aware - Act)
  • Seek
  • Enough
  • Reliance (Trust)
  • Sequence (Ones and Zeros)

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Disjointed Thoughts Coming Together


I must first provide apologies to my Minnesota friends.  A deep freeze is not something that comes frequently to my current location.  So, the other day, when walking into the office at temperatures in the low teens (the reason for the apology), I could see my breath.  This warm-meets-cold vapor preceded me in its opaque form.

This was not something new to me, but since it is a rare occurrence here, it was noticeable and it reminded me that every breath I take is a gift.  Apparently, it helps to be able to experience things for which we should be grateful.


Sunday, December 15, 2019

Signs of the Times

A sermon about the afterlife, a quirky thought while driving by two cemeteries, a story about a biblical tree climber named Zacchaeus, all ending with two imaginary images and a quote from the Lord’s Prayer.

Image One:
If you close your eyes, perhaps you can imagine what the Garden of Eden must have been like.  It will be different for all of us, of course, but this image gives you a place to start.  Imagine what you’d see if you were there.  Close your eyes and give it a try.

Sunday, December 8, 2019

An About Face

After spending a few hours yesterday writing, editing, reviewing, editing, adding, editing, removing, editing and finally getting to the point where I ‘almost’ had what I wanted to say about our purpose in life, I heard, ‘This instead’.

I don’t know why but I’m going to listen and just let that other article stay in draft status like so many others.  I’ll start again.

Let me emphatically state that nothing mentioned here makes any kind of a ‘what a good guy’ statement.  My resistance is clear.  The story reflects how things happened, how I reacted and that’s that.

So here’s the catalyst for today’s change-up:  I read one of those Daily Devotionals this morning.  This one was taken from Lysa Terkeurst’s book Embraced and was titled “A Red Coat . . . and a Surprise Blessing.”

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Acts That Touched Others Part 2: Examples

Two weeks ago, you were asked to participate in this project. The general outline of what is being sought was presented (Click here if you missed it). Some of you seemed ready. Some of you are asking questions. Questions like;

  • What kind of stories?
  • What should they say?
  • How long should they be?
  • Do I need to reveal who I’m talking about?
  • How much information should I provide?

All good questions so I thought I’d give a few examples. For the most part, these are fictional. But each of these would be considered the ‘IT’ referred to in the last writing.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

For the Birds, or perhaps, Paper Towels from Heaven

I will provide a fair warning before we begin. This is an article that begs, "I don’t know what’s wrong with you, Mike.” 

Last week, I was late for work.  When leaving home, I discovered my car needed attention before I could go anywhere.  You might be thinking, given the season, the issue might be brushing snow off the car or scraping ice-covered windows, or even letting the car warm up so the defrosters work.

It was a 45-degree morning. None of those examples apply.