At one time or another, we all come across people who do something incredible.
- It’s not something that garners attention from news media.
- It’s not something that anyone makes a lot of noise about.
- It’s not something that seems to attract any attention at all.
At one time or another, we all come across situations handled amazingly well.
- It IS something that resonates with someone – maybe you.
- It IS something that can change someone’s life.
- It IS something that recognizes the worth God sees in all of us.
- It IS something that was done because it was right and good.
- It IS something that was done quietly, without fanfare, for the good of someone else for no reason other than - it was for the good of someone else.
At one time or another, we might not notice, but we can change that. We can open our eyes to see.
- It might be something that someone does as they go about life doing the things they’ve always done.
- It might be a person who steps up in the moment of opportunity without thought but certainly making an enormous difference for some stranger.
- It might be something so small that, if asked, they would wonder why anyone noticed at all.
I am asking you to contribute.
Although there is much planning yet to come, this thing is an irresistible pull on my heart. I have some pretty cool ideas and this is the first step in launching a fun and rewarding program for people who deserve our admiration.
I am only asking you for three things:
- Your full name and email address. This is not for any kind of spam and in truth, not for any contact at all until all pieces are in place. When ready, permission will be sought even for the contribution you’re making now.
- A story. What has someone done that affected you or someone else relating to the “It” mentioned above? You are encouraged to submit as many examples as you are able to recall. You are encouraged to submit new stories as time goes on. This will be an ongoing process. The rules: No names. No contact information. Only an unedited version of a short story. I am looking for content, not perfection and to be clear – nothing will be used without permission.
- If you’re so inclined, spread the word. If you’re so inclined, mention it often! This will take a number of months to organize but this piece - this ask, is vitally important.
How to Submit a Story
Please Click This Link. It will take you directly to the form.
Update: Unfortunately, someone has found this page and continues to spam it on a regular basis. I have thus been forced to cancel the link. Please feel free to respond in the comment section and correspondence can resume at that level. My apologies.
If you're not comfortable clicking links from a blog post, please search "SandalsAndAStick" for the direct link from a search engine. Then, in the row starting with "Home" just under the blog description, open "Acts that Touched Others" It's a very simple form.
In your debt,
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