When watching television, I tend to like programming when it touches our humanity. It can happen with any type of show but lately, I’ve been intrigued with Bluff City Law. They seem to capture today’s interesting topics forcing me to consider my feelings about some of the characters and dialogue written for them - especially in light of our culture today.
This past week, I watched the Episode called “Need to Know” (Season 1, Number 8). This particular installment reminded me that in the midst of any conflict, we are to love others as Jesus loves us. We are to make that choice no matter the emotion.
The text below is from Springfield! Springfield! The unfortunate aspect of using something like this discounts the emotion provided by these two spectacular actors. Before the last 4 words of this scene, Della is considering her response. It takes a moment or two and there is a long pause before the very last word. I hope I can pause when it's required. I hope I can pull this choice from my heart as well.
The Scene
About two-thirds in, we are presented with Della Bedford (Jayne Atkinson) talking with her father (Dakin Matthews as Buzzy Bedford) in his opulent living room.
Buzzy has dedicated his life to building the hugely successful Bedford Bourbon Distillery in Memphis that was started by his father. He had dearly desired Della to continue his work. Della had declined and now her son Eric is working to grow this business. His visions of the future are being sabotaged by his grandfather out of spite. Buzzy would rather sell the business than give Eric unrestricted control. Della is interceding for her son.
The Dialogue
Buzzy: "Hi, darling. I wasn't expecting you again so soon. Here to play on my heart strings?"
Della: 'Well, once upon a time, facing your disapproval, I would've retreated, licked my wounds, and built myself back up. But I am all grown up.
(No response so Della continues)
Oh, come on, Daddy. Let's work this out. What is it going to take to make you feel comfortable handing over the reins - not just the title?"

Lesbian. That, I could live with. We've had queers in the family before.
But lawyer?"
Della: "When I was a girl, you told me that I could do anything I wanted to do, be anybody I wanted to be. You sent me to law school. You gave me that gift."
Buzzy: "I sent you so you could be an asset to the family."
Della: "You opened up the world to me, Daddy."
Buzzy: "Worst mistake of my life. Worst decision of yours."
Della: "So there's nothing that I can do or say that will change your mind? Eric is a good boy and he is doing a good job."
(No response so Della continues)
"I can't let you take out your disappointment in me on him or the company that you built. You may think I'm a terrible daughter, but I am an excellent lawyer. You move to sell the business, I will stage a competency hearing. I will argue that you are unfit to make critical business decisions. I will paint a portrait of your "colorful" practices. I'm talking about contributions to cops to make drunk and disorderlies disappear. I'm talking about paying off union heads. I'm talking about two sets of books for too many years. Stuff that doesn't exactly read "charming southern gentleman" on paper."
Buzzy: "That's why it should've been you!!! Eric doesn't have what you and I do, darling. Steel for a spine. If he did, he would've been able to stand up for his mother on her big night."
(After a short period of consideration, Buzzy continues)
"I'll have my lawyer draw up paperwork transferring majority stake of the company.
I'll also be revising my will.
You'll get nothing.
You are disowned." (Slowly drawing out the word with viscous anger and pure disgust)
Della: "And YOU are . . .
. . . loved."
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