Sunday, November 3, 2019

Be Still

Or, perhaps a better title would be Fog 2.

It’s getting colder out there as one season becomes the next.

The other day, I left for work at the same time as usual but ran into a problem.  Typically, I shower and dress leaving the house almost immediately afterward.  This particular day was no different.

I backed out of the parking space, put the car in drive and begin moving forward.  I traveled about a block and had to pull to the side of the street and stop.  The car was cold - no heat and no defrost either.

Since I recently showered, I had brought a bit of humidity with me when I entered the car.  This caused the windshield to fog up quickly as this warm moisture found its way to the cold glass.  I had to pull over and wait before proceeding.  If I had continued, the consequences would have been disastrous for me and for others sharing the road with me.

While I waited for the heat to reveal itself, I started thinking again – not always a good idea, but sometimes tolerable.

God has given us a path to follow and He is showing us the way forward. I wonder how often I bring some humidity into this space through my actions, my views, my relationships and my attitude.  I wonder how often this fogs up the eyes of my mind and heart causing me to lose the ability to see His path.  I wonder how often the window in front of me becomes opaque as a result of things inside of me.

I keep hearing that we need to stop and be silent while just taking time to be with our Heavenly Father.  I wonder if this means, 'Pull over to the side of the road' so that God can warm our souls and clear off the windshield.

 Teach me, and I will be silent; make me understand how I have gone astray. 
Job 6:24

I don’t exactly know what’s going on here. This fog stuff is really in my face lately! (Click here for the last article)  It appears that not only will the fog clear with eternity, but maybe we are to actively clear the fog from the life we lead now.

I think I'll purposely 'pull over' and be silent as frequently as possible.  I will take the time because to proceed might be disastrous for me and for others sharing this road with me.

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