Friday, October 2, 2015


About this time in 2013, I lost nearly 50 pounds!  Like everyone who does something like this, I promised that those pounds would never come back.

Like everyone else who does something like this, I lied.  30 are back!  But I'm going after those "extras" and I will lose them . . . again.

I heard that weighing yourself first thing in the morning is best.  Consistency is important.  In my wisdom, I added "daily" thinking that more is better.  Well, it is, right?

I now read that watching progress, or lack thereof, on a micro level is neither encouraging nor motivating.  Weekly is the way to go.

Carrying a few bags of groceries up the 56 stairs to my condo, I was curious.  Yes, I put them on the scale and it registered 35 pounds.  Graphic!  This is what I'm carrying around with me every time I take a step!  I do not want to slide backwards so, I'm not too sure about this once-a-week thing . . .

As I reconsidered, I knew that the experts were right.  When you get on the scale every day and progress is elusive, it doesn't matter if you pick up an extra 4-pack of soft, chewy macadamia nut cookies.  In fact, it can actually seem like a good idea!  It's only 4 cookies.  How much difference can that make?

I've now realized that a once-a-week weigh-in is enough IF;  you follow the schedule, you monitor calories, carbs and other nutrients, and you consistently do the right thing. The goal is achieved if the process is claimed.

So, how many bags of groceries am I carrying around in my effort to be Christ-like?

  • Am I micro-managing my progress? 
  • Am I overly concerned with tiny increments so as to create an opportunity to "cheat" just a little because it really doesn't matter anyway?
  • Am I doing the right things?

It appears that I may have more than the 30 to lose.  It's probably best to approach the spiritual just like the physical. Consistently do the right thing and the goal is achievable.

Lose the weight by watching caloric intake being careful to "... act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God." Micah 6:8.

Lose the weight by monitoring carbs while being vigilant to, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27

Grocery shopping might be a different kind of experience this weekend.  (Again.  I find "inspiration" in the strangest of places!)

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