Saturday, August 31, 2024

Coffee Anyone?

This is something I've been learning to rely on: God is always available.

Even though research shows that coffee did not exist during the time Jesus walked this earth, I look at this beverage as a gift from God Himself. So why wouldn't He want to share a bit of 'Joe' with me? (Maybe a better question is, "Why didn't He make sure that the Ethiopians and Yemenis got this 'mud' introduced to the Middle East by the time He arrived?") I think I'm going to ask if I get the chance!

It's Sunday. I think it's a good day to send the invitation.

Click the Play Button to watch here 

Sunday, August 25, 2024

The Dominant Hand

A while ago, I almost slipped and fell. With no conscious thought, my right hand reacted, grabbed onto the wall, and prevented an accident. 

A whole lot is going on when something like this happens. And it’s all automatic. We didn’t practice so it isn’t muscle memory. We didn’t learn it by reading. We didn’t absorb it by watching other people. We are wired this way.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

What Do I Know

Hey - I know things!

  • 2 + 2 = 4. Time-tested and proven.
  • If I drop a pan of fully cooked lasagna, it will end up on the floor in short order (not a pun).
  • We need water to survive, so drink up. 

There’s a place for using the words, “I know!” But in my opinion, we seemingly accept a brutalization of this word in our daily conversations. Like the well-used word love, the definitions have been watered down to a point where both words (love and know) have begun to warp. The words mean less than the combination of letters that make them up.  

I think we all know those 3 examples listed above are true. 

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Remembering Covid

It’s never going away. 

Sure, the days of struggling to understand, the confusion, the questioning of whether anything will ever be the same, and the isolation have abated. Although the virus has not departed, we’re better prepared, we understand more, and we have medications and equipment. Yes, we even have toilet paper.

But going through those difficult times will never be forgotten. This dark era has left its mark on us in many ways. We remember.

I remember being so completely disappointed. It wasn’t the things mentioned above, exactly It was things like this:

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Owning My Becoming - In the Now

Occasionally, I find it difficult to find a topic. When this happens, I look back at ideas, notes, half-written articles, and even sermon scribbles from the past. There are thousands of these sources now. 

But, in the back of my mind and heart, there is a problem with reviewing old documentation for new article stimulation.

I am trying to use circumstances, situations, and other input from current dates to keep myself focused on living a life true to Jesus in the ‘now’.