Sunday, July 14, 2024

Movie Night

 ** We begin today’s project with an interruption. The majority of this article was put together before noon on Saturday, July 13. The finishing touches were added just before submission. But a few hours can have tremendous impacts. Although I considered canceling this post for today, I have decided to let it be. The major premise has not changed even though the political landscape might have. Yesterday’s events have notably revealed that we are experiencing a decidedly sad time in our country’s history. Just mouthing the words, ‘We have no place for political violence in this country’ falls well short of the need. Perhaps this article can in some small way, begin to pacify that need.**

And now, today’s post.

How many people can you name who have the authority to push your buttons?

Maybe we should make a list – each of us. But, of course, if we do this exercise, there needs to be a point to all the work. Many of us will struggle but for others, the task is effortless. It’s quite understandable if the names flow freely. It seems that is the world we live in, today.

For now, let’s pretend that a week has passed since we read those first five sentences and we have created our list. If some of you are still pen to paper, please stop. Another hundred or so names will not matter for this exercise.

So, right there on the table in front of us is, most likely, a long list of names. As we read each name, we’re triggered. 

We remember and we begin to run movies in our heads. These movies will recreate the betrayals, the offensive behaviors, the dismissals, the put-downs, and the hurtful words. With R ratings (or worse) our creations will feature HD, Technicolor, and Dolby Surround Sound all within the confines of our cranium. 

Some of our visuals might be one-act plays and others will reach full-length feature films. Some clips will be considered trailers for things to come. All of them can prevent a good night's sleep.

Since our list consists of those who push our buttons, every production will trigger feelings of anger and disgust.

Watching each will keep us completely captivated as we view the hero overcoming the villain. When the credits roll at the end of our ‘flicks’, we will proudly notice that our name is listed as the writer, producer, director, actor, and hero of the self-imagined and much-magnified production. Even the music credits will acknowledge our choices. This, after all, is our story!

  • We are good. Someone else is not.
  • We are right. Someone else is wrong.
  • We have been wronged. Someone else must pay.
And now, the big evening has arrived. We have a front-row seat at the Academy Awards so that we can accept multiple Oscars for every category of our wildly successful, overwhelmingly intense, and beautifully choreographed creation. We look great in our formal wear. And that red carpet? It was made for us! 

The auditorium is filled with people. They’re here to rejoice with us as they recognize our talented portrayal of the true stories told. 

But – Listen

That’s the sound of “Wait a second!”, or “Think again!” (if you didn’t quite get the feeling of, “Hey, stop – something’s not quite right!”, listen again with your volume way up!)

These people are not in the audience to applaud our acceptance speech. They’re here to give their OWN! 

We might now be witnesses to the very first Academy Awards where no Oscars have appeared. We might discover that we are not the only people who have everything ‘right’. We might find that people we thought would never measure up, are here right next to us, expecting to be handed OUR Oscar. 

We are inconsolable. There can be no fulfilling adjective for our disappointment – and our rage! 

Every single person in that venue will be included in “MYStory II” coming out next year for audiences everywhere. The world will SEE their error!  We’re going to stream it on Disney!

Or . . . 

We can put the brakes on for a moment or two. We can stop our anger just long enough to consider a few questions. Sure, we can!

  • Why would I give someone else the authority to create disappointment and anger in me?
  • Is there some way that I can be happy for other’s success even after my humiliating loss?
  • Is there a way to stop creating horror flicks and move instead to films about peace, joy, and harmonious living? 
  • If so, just how can I do this? 

Matthew 5:43-45 says, “You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy. ' But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven.

“Yeah, yeah. I know about this verse. Love your enemies, blah blah blah. I do that sometimes for all the good it does.” And this again, is a reasonable premise. But what do those ‘enemy-prayers’ look like? Do they look like Tevye’s prayer for the Tsar

“Dear God. Please bless and keep the Tsar - - - FAR AWAY FROM US!”

Maybe we could all consider a different approach.

  • As a Republican, have you ever prayed for Joe Biden? For Nancy Pelosi? For Barrack Obama? For AOC?
  • As a Democrat, have you ever prayed for Donald Trump? For Matt Goetz? For Steve Bannon? For MTG? 
  • At the office, do you ever pray for THAT guy, the one everyone loves to hate? Have you ever prayed for those wishy-washy employees who fawn over favored ones until they’re no longer favored ones? Is a prayer for those who never accept responsibility, but are experts at pointing blame to others possible?
  • You might pray for Ukrainians under the assault by the country of Russia. But do you pray for the people of Russia? How about Mr. Putin?
  • Have you ever considered forgiving Osama bin Laden? Impossible?

Yes, these examples are extreme, some violently extreme. But the words of Jesus seem not to make exceptions. 

I would like to make a new movie. But I think I should write a book first. It will give me time to make revisions, to change my attitudes, and to adjust to circumstances. It will allow me room to consider viewpoints outside of my own. And maybe, when I’m done, someone else will add their viewpoints and be listed in the credits of a blockbuster that I will try to live out but will never see.

We do not have to encourage the sadness of our country. We do not have to encourage division, judgment, and hate. We can change our movie genre and maybe, we can change the world. That would deserve an Oscar, don’t you think?

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