Sunday, May 19, 2024

Weird Ones: Shampoo Code and Politics

Weirdness. Let’s not worry about how this happens or where it originates. I promise it will be easier for all of us.

We’ve all heard those three simple commands—the mantra of our daily shower rituals. The shampoo bottles stand at attention, waiting for their turn in the spotlight. It’s a choreographed dance: squirt, lather, rinse, repeat. But today, something shifted. This morning, an error set my eye ablaze.

A drop of shampoo found its way into my peeper, and suddenly, my ocular world was chaotic. As I blinked (and cursed), I wondered about the purpose of eyelids. Those unassuming flaps of skin—usually taken for granted—had failed me. My shut-them-tight-when-shampooing automation misfired. "Must be a bug in the software", I thought

As I diligently worked to extract the invasive fluid, I wondered about this automation. If I do what is required, it runs without thought. I squirt a dollop of shampoo into my palm, put my head under the water, and add the cleanser. This is the moment it always happens. Involuntary and immediate, my eyes shut – tight!

Lately, I’ve been immersed in messages about our political climate, moral building blocks, humanity, and how it relates to spirituality. I have connected it with this mundane shower task. Weird, but that’s how my brain works.

In our society, just about any word can be a trigger. I won’t mention any here because that’s not the point. But especially within the political environment, it takes little to ignite our 'shut-it-down-tight' program when hearing these vexing vocalizations. This automation will defend our beliefs in brutal ways. 

When it comes to shampoo, I love that this software script runs without fail (usually). It’s a comforting rhythm—the cascade of water, the fragrant lather, and the involuntary blink. But when I step out of the shower and engage in conversation, I wish I could toggle off that script. I’m getting better at it, but sometimes, I yearn for a manual override. If only I could tweak the lines governing the “when this, then that” logic. Perhaps someone out there holds the key to reprogramming our neural code.

Now here I sit, contemplating the physical results of brain automation: Grateful as it protects my eyesight, yet frightened that it might get in the way of decision-making and relationships. 

We are running toward the political scene of conflict with each other - with people we love. To facilitate loving dialogue, we must consider how individual automation creates knee-jerk reactions. We have choices. We can allow the programming to sustain our reflexive need to protect thus closing our minds to rational discussions. On the other hand, we can acknowledge this script, refuse the insistent bias, and build a relationship - even with our differences.  

So, here’s to the shampoo code—a quirky blend of hygiene and neural pathways. May we always rinse away the day’s grime, literally and metaphorically. And if you ever find that algorithm logic wizard, send them my way. I’ll be waiting, eyes wide open, ready to rewrite the script.

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." 
Ephesians 6:12

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