Sunday, September 25, 2022

Curse Becomes Blessing

It happened. Again.

It just won’t leave me alone. No matter what I do, no matter what happens during the day, it always returns. With a vengeance. 

There are so many things that trigger it. 

All seems good and then, suddenly, it’s b-a-a-ack!

You might be thinking that I’m talking about some sort of physical pain. You might be imagining that I twisted my thumb or pinky finger. Using these digits in any way would automatically generate torment. 

But it isn’t that kind of affliction.

It’s that melody!  It’s stuck in my head and it’s making me miserable!

I’m certain this has happened to you.  It has even been analyzed by psychologists, who have given it a name: INMI (Involuntary Musical Imagery). These experts have supplied a common term as well. They refer to this phenomenon as an “Earworm”. Earworm?  No wonder I’m so agitated!

It is now time for the warning disclaimer in small text because well, that's the way you do things like this!

Continued reading might be harmful to your well-being. This article may inhibit your ability to sleep, drive, and converse.  You may experience feelings of helplessness, an irritable temperament, and become apprehensive without reason.  You may lash out unexpectedly, you may experience unexplainable tremors, and you could become unglued and perhaps even catatonic.

Additionally, if the provided links are accessed followed by even a short time of listening, the above symptoms may become unbearably severe. A case of an earworm is entirely possible, and you should be prepared with sticks of gum for emergency intervention if needed.

Should you be feeling adventurous, feel free to keep reading.

One week ago today, I listened to a pastor talk about our ability to listen to God's will. There was a lot to it, of course. But the instructions were to agree with God that He knows best and to say yes to those nudges and feelings that point to a Jesus way of life.

  • Mary said yes when she was asked to be the mother of God.
  • As crazy as it must have looked, Noah built an arc.
  • Abraham was to slay his son and was then told to stop. He said yes - twice! (Whew!)

All that talk about saying yes and I was lost.

Composed by Donna Peña, arranged by Kate Cuddy and Marty Haugen, I Say "Yes," Lord / Digo "Sí," Señor has been a big part of my life for the past week with no signs of relief.

Even though I had not recently listened to this piece, the words of a sermon triggered memories of a choir member from decades ago. The melody (complete with the words of the refrain) immediately came to life.

Even though distressed, I started to think about this uncomfortable state of affairs. It finally dawned on me that I should be saying, “Yes,” to this whole concept instead of trying so desperately to wash it from consciousness. I should DO what the words are telling me!  I should DO what the sermon taught me. Huh.

So, I visited the GIA website. I looked up the music because even though I was quite familiar with the refrain, I had forgotten the verses. 

I began to read. I let the lines simmer and percolate in my cerebral cortex.  I allowed them to swirl around in the amygdala revealing the depth of personal interpretation. I listened again to the harmony and followed the text. I even sang along (in complete privacy, of course).

Say, “Yes,”,

  • To the dream I have today
  • To be a healer of all pain
  • To love my enemies
  • To pray for peace throughout the world
  • To be a servant
  • To understand who God is
  • To understand love.
  • To every word God speaks.
  • To do all this in good times and in bad times
Once I understood, once I said yes, I found that the above warning message has no teeth. It can no longer be called detrimental to my health but has become affirming to all life. An earworm no more, it reveals itself as the butterfly and I welcome its teaching.

It is no longer a debilitating irritation but has been transformed into a blessing called - Yes, Lord.

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