Sunday, February 7, 2021

Ignorance Should Not Be Bliss

I admit it.  I do not know everything.  In fact, I know extraordinarily little.

I cannot know what it is like to live in your shoes. Even if I try, your worldview will probably be misunderstood without a great deal of exploration and discussion.

I admit it.  

And yet, my first impulse (and maybe yours as well) is to defend what I “know” to be the truth because I have spent my whole life surrounded by it.  It is not my fault if you don't know what's true because you spent your life somewhere else. 

Example number 1.

It is a cold day here in Cincinnati.  At this moment, the 'feels-like" temperature is zero.  This is a rare event.  But today, this is my truth and I am telling you, “Baby it’s cold outside!”  (Also, I like that song).

This freezing day is my map today.  My map is true.  But, I also checked the weather for Rochester, Minnesota.  People living near this region have a map as well. Their map is saying, minus 20 degrees Fahrenheit.  That is the AIR temperature.  The 'feels-like' measurement comes in at minus 39 degrees.  Their map is also true.  

Fairness would not be served by stating that my map is wrong. But, if you ask a Minnesotan, they might tell me that Cincinnati is downright balmy today! They might tell me that I have no idea what the truth is.  They might even go so far as call me a liar - if they weren't subject to the rule of 'Minnesota-nice', that is.

As a third test, I checked the weather report for Las Vegas, Nevada.  I am seeing an air-temp of 43 degrees which also happens to be the recorded windchill. Yes, another map. A cold day for Vegas as well!  This could also create disagreement if our friends, the desert-dwellers, had it in for those in the northern climates. (As a favor to those of you residing in colder zones, I'm giving you some ammunition if you happen across this situation. In Spanish, Las Vegas means "The Meadows". P.L.E.A.S.E.  Have you been there?)

I have heard it said, "The (my) map is not the territory."  You've probably heard that before as well. A very simple statement but this mantra could truly be a turning point for a lot of us when we face disturbances of disagreement.

Example number 2.

I am tired of being house-bound. Believe it or not, this knowledge was triggered by an email.  I  didn’t realize how cooped-up I was until the 'January Google Timeline' report told me so.  I was informed that last month I drove a total of 41 miles.

In deference to this timeline, I can elect to stay home.  I am behind in my reading goals and cold days are great for catching up.  

But since I am now acutely aware of this state of being, I can also choose to act.  I could get in my car and go somewhere!  There will, of course, be no visits to area parks today because it’s well, too darn cold!  But maybe a favorite coffee shop on the other side of town would be nice.  Maybe a local restaurant for lunch would be interesting.  Maybe I should break the February timeline and explore Columbus. That little jaunt requires a drive of at least 210 miles. With just one excursion, I could break January's timeline by 169 miles in ONE day! Take THAT Google! 

Before venturing out, I will perform the "Covid-19 Due Diligence" exercise by checking to see what establishments currently allow in-house customer visits. I would not appreciate spending 3-plus hours behind the wheel only to be denied entrance.  

My truth says that I can go anywhere I want.  I can go anytime I want.  I can do whatever I want. But wait!  The restrictions of Covid-19 are still in play almost everywhere.  My worldview is being trampled on!  My worldview (my truth) has been disrupted. This is frustrating and aggravating and completely unfair! 

We have finally reached the point of this rambling discourse. 

My Google Timeline report reminded me of another discovery that has been haunting me for some time. Realizing that I probably should have known, I rationalized that I was just never exposed to it.

I am talking about something called The Green Book.

From Smithsonian Project

Released annually from 1936 to 1967, I consider this a contemporary publication because it was still being revised, edited, and sold when I was a sophomore in high school.  I simply never knew. 

Above, I referenced the idea of going and doing whatever I please whenever it pleases me.  I also referenced the idea of the restrictions produced by a virus.  

This Green Book was a large part of the 'truth' for the Black community.  It was produced to assist our neighbors when traveling. It was a guide that pointed to a warm hotel on a cold day. It was published to avoid the trouble created by stopping where discrimination ruled.  Huge numbers of restaurants, gas stations, and hotels were off-limits to these travelers due NOT to the fear of disease but to the fear of serious harm.

There was no confident worldview available to them stating, "You may go anywhere, anytime, for any purpose without fear."

I am certain that many other things were never discussed in my world.  I don't blame anyone for this. We take on the views of the places where we find ourselves. But I now know that I need to look and discover how others live(d) and try to understand what their maps look like and why. I also admit to being afraid. I know that I will be horrified when I witness some of these 'previously unknown facts'. I do NOT want to look.  But I am called to look anyway. 

From Smithsonian Project

I am purposed by the God I know to love all people.  

We are allowed to love or hate.  Yes, we are free to choose.  I am convinced that my choice must be love.

We are allowed to look for connection and understanding or to live comfortably in our homogenous bubbles. Yes, we are indeed free to choose. And yet, once again, I see only the choice to seek understanding, solidarity, and love.    

We are allowed to live with compassion and empathy.  Yes, we can also take a stance that says to others, "You made your bed, so sleep in it."  We can ignore injustice and promote 'me over you'. We are free to do that.

But I willingly affirm my purpose and state that the only freedom available to me is to seek the will of the Creator who made, well, ALL of us in His image.

I understand the reason for publishing The Green Book. 

It is much more difficult to understand the reason that it HAD to be published. 

 February is National Black History Month

I encourage all to spend a moment on Wikipedia reading about "The Negro Motorist Green Book".  It's just one easy step that moves us from no-fault ignorance to the beginnings of understanding.  It is one way to see that we may not be responsible for past transgressions, but it is our responsibility to seek the truth in the map of another. In fact, to skip the exploration of articles like this makes it our fault going forward as it replaces innocent ignorance with deliberate. 

Please allow me one more suggestion. This upcoming event is again, contemporary to me. The first weekend in March commemorates the March 7, 1965 - 56th Anniversary of  Bloody Sunday. Over 500 people walked across the Selma, Alabama Edmund Pettus Bridge in support of voting rights. Blood ran free on live television this time. This event is being held virtually.  It is easy to sign up and attend some of the sessions. Perhaps it's a good way to learn some history.  Perhaps it is a good way to understand the struggles of our neighbors.

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Galatians 5:13-14

Smithsonian Project - the Negro Motorist Green Book



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