Sunday, November 1, 2020

IT is Coming

The first time that I heard an ad stating that "IT is coming" was probably around 2002 plus or minus a year.  The content of that promotion became a reality with the introduction and purchase of the Segway PT (Personal Transporter). 

That machine brought things to my life both good and bad.  Continued discussions may occur in future articles but suffice to say that the announcement that this marvel will no longer be made became just one of the many losses endured in 2020.  

One could make a good case for 2020 being a year of loss. There will always be trouble but this season affected every facet of our humanity.  We certainly have a right to hold whatever feelings we have as this span draws to a close.  

But the "IT" in the title today refers to this Tuesday, the 3rd of November.

If you haven't already, you might be planning to stand in line and wait to cast your ballot.  That in itself will begin to bring an emotional response to most of us regardless of the decision we have made. 

I debated up until I pulled the keyboard out; Should I or should I not skip this week.  But I remembered;

"For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms". Ephesians 6:12

This verse seeks to remind us that we are not to fight friend against friend, neighbor against neighbor, son against daughter.  

I have been searching for ways to mitigate any misunderstanding or even animosity between those who think as I do and those who clearly do not.  I will continue to focus my attention here instead of against my fellow Images of God that share this planet with me. 

I am reading “The Righteous Mind” by Jonathan Haidt, The subtitle of this book is notable when it says, "Why Good People Are Divided by Politics and Religion."  

I have recently read, “Tribe”, by Sandra Unger. Another appropriate subtitle is evidenced with the words, "Why Do All Our Friends Look Just Like Us?"  Sandra and her friend Dee also have a new podcast called, We Shouldn't Even Know Each Other. This is enlightening and humorous as these two ladies discuss how they became friends despite the differences in race, culture, and finances.  

Since "The Righteous Mind" seems to read more like a textbook, I am also spending time with a creation by Aaron Pullins III called "Who YOU Gonna Serve?". Written as a novel, I can tell already it will challenge my map in favor of the territory. Urban dictionary, here I come! (Thank you Aaron for your generosity and foresight with this author-signed gift!).

And even today, before finishing, I downloaded an e-book publication. With the title, "Why Don't They Get It" (the 'it' was purely an accidental coincidence) I am fascinated with Brian McLaren's 13 concepts of bias. 

There are a few more on my list of self-improvement titles that focus closely on peaceful relationships be they considered close or those which are quite out of any established comfort zone.  Sometimes I feel like I'm too old for this and yet, reading the Bible I've noticed that many of the characters we see are much older than me.  Don't give up yet, I guess.

Yesterday, I went online to sign a pledge.  Again, not something I would normally do but sometimes, 'putting it out there' acts as a firm commitment rather than a vague promise to no one but myself.  It's a simple pledge found on the Braver Angels website.  

The Pledge

"Regardless of how the election turns out, I will not hold hate, disdain, or ridicule for those who voted differently from me. Whether I am pleased or upset about the outcome, I will seek to understand the concerns and aspirations of those who voted differently and will look for opportunities to work with people with whom I don’t agree."

I spent some time on this website afterward and found an enormous amount of material that will take some time to digest.  The website does not attempt to change minds.  It serves only to see each person and to mitigate animosity in attempts to work together to solve issues. 

It doesn't matter if you are "Red, or Blue, or Neither".  All that matters is the willingness to try and understand.  All that matters is the concept that most people want the same things but can and do completely disagree as to the method of achieving these common goals.  

Tuesday will come.  Tuesday will go.  Leaders will be elected.  Leaders will be defeated.  But, in the timeline of life, today will soon be Wednesday.  

  • Can we pledge that from Wednesday forward, we will consciously vote for reconciliation? 
  • Can we pledge that whatever the outcome, we will stand together working towards the common good of every person?  
  • As easily as I transformed the IT of Segway into the IT of Tuesday, can we pledge to make the IT of Tuesday the IT of loving reconciliation?

IT is coming . . . 

I apologize for the many hyperlinks associated with this article but I wanted to make it easy to find the materials discussed in the hope that we can all put aside emotional polarization and heal ourselves and our future. My path will not be your path.  But I'm hoping we all start walking in peace now rather than later.  

It will take the rest of my life as I try to discover that what-I-know-and-why-I-know- it is not what I know and more importantly, falls short of what I should know.  While doing that, I will also try to understand that each of us is subject to bias in the same way.  The point being made; We have much to learn from each other.    

As I look toward the future knowing that I do not know everything, I look to walk humbly seeking wisdom, knowledge, and truth.  Judgment must be left to God for its existence prevents love. 

Thank you for your attention.

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