Sunday, October 18, 2020

Will You Just Shut-up?

A beautiful morning presents its gifted self. 

It's 5AM. my hands are warmed with a cup of Costa Rican espresso.  Open windows are inviting crisp clean air to replace stale as if daring to propose that the aroma of roasted coffee beans is inadequate.  

It's dark, cozy and I'm wrapped in a comforting throw while listening to a somewhat-convicting sermon.  (Are they ALL convicting, or is it just me?)

So deeply covered in blackness, only the occasional flicker of headlight can penetrate this darkness while announcing itself with muted sounds of tires on roadways.  

It would be blissfully peaceful.

It would be, except for those --- #@##(#&(*)(_^%(*(**&!> CRICKETS.

I have just listened to a message about what it means to live a life reflecting the Kingdom of God!  For crying out loud, will you just be quiet so I can think, ponder, and contemplate?

I am to be the love of God on earth!  I am to live in love recognizing that every person is made in His image.  

I would seriously consider the ramifications of this sermon, but for the Acheta domesticus. Why does this creature insist on interruption? Why must they vociferously intrude on introspection?  How am I supposed to think in this cacophony of cricket-speak? 

Shut up - - -  Please!  

(Note that the "cordiality" of please is offered after the initial bark of anger only because my mind has already recognized the dissonance of the situation vs.reaction.)

I obviously have a long way to go.  The stridulation of crickets apparently has the power to disturb the peace of sunrise by turning a moment of early-morning paradise into anger-fueled frustration.  

I wonder then,  even while my heart seeks reconciliation and unity, how will I ever show love and find peace with my brothers and sisters?

I will comfort myself just a bit for the recognition of this dichotomy between desire and reality.  I will rely on the grace of God and His Spirit to help fix my eyes on things above knowing that I'll continue to seek opportunities to grow in His likeness all the days of my life.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

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