Sunday, February 16, 2020

Perceptions and Unity

Waiting in a stop-light queue, I was almost home.  The line was long and it would be a couple of light changes before I’d reach the intersection where I’d be turning.

The car in front of me edged slowly forward and I noticed the rear license plate.

This common delay suddenly became nearly unbearable.  I was trapped in the middle of the line and thoughts became defensive while reading, ‘Do you follow Jesus this close?’ (All CAPS, of course)

My brain immediately and automatically translated those words, ‘Back off jerk. I follow Jesus and I bet you don’t even know Him’.

Someone probably assumed that license plates would be a good way of evangelizing.  Or, perhaps someone believed this gimmick could remind us to follow God or might have even considered this a humorous way to make a point.

I won’t believe that someone was being intentionally harmful but perception is reality.  To me, this interaction was a condemning index finger pointedly declaring that I wouldn’t be such a tailgating jerk if I only knew and followed the Savior. (Can it even be tailgating when you're stopped for a traffic light?)

I’m willing to concede that intentions were good when that plate was attached to the vehicle.  I’m open to considering that nobody spent the time to ask a question like, “I wonder how this might be perceived by others, be they Christian or not?”

I’m of the strong opinion that condemnation, judgment, and criticism will never bring people together. I’m convinced that union can only be accomplished by loving others in all circumstances. This, of course, means intentionally considering alternative viewpoints. It means listening instead of speaking. It means removing walls instead of building them. 

It means I have a lot of work to do.

Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another.  Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in the way of a brother or sister. Romans 14:13

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