Sunday, May 12, 2019


Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here is your son,” and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. John 19:25-27

I remember thinking a few weeks ago about this verse.  There are only a few words and can easily be glossed over given the serious and somber context.  But this verse ran deep this year - for me anyway.  I remember thinking about the human interactions that must have occurred at this point in history.  It's hard to know exactly what these people were thinking, but it's not difficult to feel the anguish:

  • When Jesus said these words, He was on His way to die - as man.  He was going to die in horrendous pain and humiliation.  And this is how He chose to say "Goodbye, Mom". 
  • Most of us have only heard that the most unimaginable pain for a mother is to lose a child.  And here Mary was, helpless as she watched her first-born walk towards the end of His life - the end of her life as well. 
  • And then there was the 'favored' disciple now hearing the request that said, "Take care of my mother, please.  She's going to be in pain and I want you to walk in this anguish with her.  I'm counting on you.  But don't be distressed - she's going to treat you as her son, as well."  

Now I know that this isn't the kind of "YAY MOM!" talk that most will hear today. We're proud of our moms.  We love our moms.  We appreciate our moms including those acting as moms.  It is right that we celebrate.

But today, I just want to let you know that I'm deep into the mind-and-heart experience of what moms do, how they feel, what they've sacrificed and what brings them joy.  My mom is still here, doing pretty well as a 90+ year old.  My daughter is a mom 4 times over - also doing well.  I'm just totally blessed!

But the words of John's gospel haunt me a little today.  I don't want to just celebrate Mother's Day superficially, although it will most likely be so.  I DO want to recognize deep in heart and soul that each moment spent with our amazing mothers is precious.  I want them to know too.

I Love you Mom
I Love you Sunshine

So, to all who carry the title, "Mom" in any way shape or form, whether with us physically or spiritually,

Happy Mother's Day

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