Saturday, January 14, 2023

One Way to Love

 Attributing the statement in the video below to Microsoft's Linda Stone, I found her insight to be true and very disturbing.

These statistics from Cross River Therapy may make us stop and think. 
At least, for 8.25 seconds.


What could be a better expression of our choice to love another than to be 
present, engaged, and interested?

What could be a better expression of our love for God than to spend time 
in His presence leaving all distractions behind?


NOTE: I was done. I hit publish. And then I reconsidered. I thought that just maybe, I would supply a real-life example before sending this out.

I have a routine in the morning which involves spending time with God. Apparently, after so many years, I've come to believe that I can multitask. But lately, I've been convicted about my habits.  My bad habits. I am not focused on the primary reason for my morning routine. So, during the last few days, I've been conscious about what I do during this time.

When I'm listening to teachers each day, they might say something that triggers something in my head which could be almost anything. I have this habit of allowing the podcast/video to continue while I open a new tab and start to research whatever it is that distracted me. It's very difficult to stop. 

I have also realized how many of those 1,500 times that I pick up my smartphone occur during these dedicated occasions as well. Not difficult - almost impossible not to 'fill the time listening while taking a moment to peek at the phone!

I really need to work on this whether it's time with God or time with others. Try it sometime!

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