You'll be excited to hear this.
Today's article is SHORT!
The first explanation for this anomaly: Last week's article was lengthy, and you deserve a break.
The first true reason: I'm a little short on time today because, ta-da, I have family visiting me in Cincinnati! (My temptation was to include a dozen smiley-faces along with a few hearts and maybe a party horn or two, but I refrained! I told you I was going to get better at this emoji thing!)
Getting to the matter at hand, then.
"Which comes first, the chicken or the egg?"
I don't know where you stand on that hot political issue (only because everything is a hot political issue) and I really don't care.
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Photo 48853467 / Chicken Egg © Tsekhmister | |
The real question (because the title was simply well, a grab your attention kinda' thing) is, "Which comes first, your treasure or your heart?"
You might see a video produced by a nonprofit asking for donations. You might very well think, "This is tragic, here's ten dollars." That would make one think that the heart tells your personal treasury department how to distribute your hard-earned cash.
Well, if the chicken question is debatable, I suppose this one is too. But here's a quote from Randy Alcorn that might give us some perspective - or at least trigger some thought on the matter.
“Suppose you buy shares in General Motors. What happens? You suddenly develop an interest in GM. You check the financial pages. You see a magazine article about GM, and you read every word even though a month ago you would have passed right over it."
"Suppose you are giving help to African children with AIDs. When you see an article on the subject, you’re hooked. If you’re sending money to plant churches in India and an earthquake hits India, you watch the news fervently and you pray. "
"Do you wish you cared more about eternal things? Then reallocate some of your money (maybe most of your money) from temporal things to eternal things. Put your resources, your assets, your money and possessions, your time and talents and energy into the things of God. Watch what happens. As surely as the compass needle follows north, your heart will follow your treasure."
"Money leads: hearts follow.”
Note 1: Egg throwing during debates is prohibited.
Note 2: The quote attributed to Randy Alcorn was heard second-hand and the given source has not been verified.
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