Sunday, September 1, 2019

By Virtue of That Bond

Designated Survivor 
Season 2, Episode 1: “One Year In”

Catastrophe averted.
Hard work praised.
President Kirkman (Kiefer Sutherland) addresses his staff.

"Everyone, if I could just have your attention, please.
I just wanted to take a moment and thank you for your hard work today.
We managed to avoid an international crisis, and we saved a lot of lives.

But I, uh, I didn't get everyone home, though.

As some of you might know already, I had a friend on that plane, one of the two people who were killed. He dedicated his life to helping other people. Not for fortune or fame, but because whenever he saw pain, he would have to do whatever he could to try and ease it.

His focus and commitment to that ideal will be an inspiration to me for the rest of my life.

You have all dedicated yourselves to public service, and you serve approximately 326 million Americans, most of whom you'll never meet or ever know.

It is imperative that we not become numb.

The people that we serve, they have faces, families, hopes and dreams and stories. And they are our fellow Americans, and by virtue of that bond alone, they are worthy of our sacrifice, our commitment and our service.

I'm talking as much to myself as I am to any of you. I'm sorry, I came in here to thank you for your incredible work today, so thank you."

I stopped the video mid-stream and looked up this dialogue.  (Credits)

Two lines in this speech are underlined because they managed to squirm their way into my consciousness.

I am fully aware that as a country, we usually react well in the midst of crisis. We come together 'not for fortune and fame' but in making brave attempts to alleviate the pain of others during major tragedies. As Hurricane Dorian barrels toward Florida, I read articles of Cincinnati organizations loading up trucks and heading south to be there for those who will be affected.  I know people who may be in the path but all I can do is donate money for water and supplies while praying for their safety.

Hearing the rest of this speech: " virtue of that bond alone, they are worthy of our sacrifice, our commitment and our service."

Yes, those in the wake of disaster are worthy by virtue that we are one America.  But then, I was struck with the thought, "Bigger!"

Bigger because we are not to think in terms of serving the people of only one country, but to embrace the inclusion of all people.

Bigger because we are not only to serve in times of enormous national and international calamity, but also in those one-on-one moments where the pain of another is extreme but may be hidden from view.  Adversity appears in the lives of each of us.  Without fame and fortune considerations, we are to pay attention and work to alleviate these afflictions as well.

And they are all made in the image of God, and by virtue of that bond alone, they are worthy of our sacrifice, our commitment and our service.

Dear children, 
let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth. 
1 John 3:18

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