Yes, I know that 1 per week is sometimes more than you can handle, but this experience kind of hit me in the head.
Have you ever asked that God speak to you? I mean, really let you know what’s on His mind?
Maybe you really wanted an answer and you hear nothing or maybe some little stirring or whatnot. You can’t really tell if it’s God guiding you or if it’s your own little in-my-head-voice.
I ask for this all the time. I want guidance. I want answers. I want it so obvious that I ask for the proverbial 2x4-over-the-head wake-up call!
Today it happened.
I wasn’t really in the middle of grappling with any particular problem so I wasn’t involved in asking for an answer. I got the 2x4. I probably missed the point, however.
It did get me thinking about things, of course. Here’s where my brain went after staunching a bit of blood-letting.
I frequently show gratitude for fingers, toes, opposable thumbs, hair and even less obvious things like balance. I guess I forgot to say thanks for proprioception.
This is certainly a new word for me. It’s defined as the sense of self movement and body position – also known as kinesthesia.
I won’t be talking about this at work tomorrow, because embarrassing myself isn’t a goal of any sort. But, when I opened the car door this morning, I apparently had disconnected this gift of kinesthesia. As I pulled the door open, I was at the same time, forgetting where my head was and a connection was made – brutally!
Well, this can’t be the point. I mean, God telling me to pay attention to where my heads at?
On second thought . . .

May your day be less bloody and thanks for appreciating my sense of humor.
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