Friday, June 14, 2019

I Got Nothin'

I’ve made a commitment to write every week.  I promised myself I’d stick to it no matter what. And yet, here I am thinking, “Maybe I’ll skip this week”.  After all, I’m looking at a long weekend.  I’ve got things to prepare.  I’m going to get less sleep and it’s only one missed week, right?

Besides . . .
. . . I got nothin’

Is that so?
I have the promise made.
I have the ability.
I have the fingers.
I have the computer.
I have the means.
I have the desire.
I have the history.
I have the notes
I have the time
I have the goal

I have . . .
. . . the Guilt because, there IS no excuse.

All good things come from the Father. 

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.  James 1:17

He’s given me all (and more) of those bullet points and there is every reason to be grateful.  I could be unable to write; fingers cramped in pain, an inability to see, even a lack of imagination.  I could be without the means and the equipment.  I could be completely without the ability to perform. 

I know this discipline is good for me. 
I know this exercise makes me think about my relationship to God.
I know this endeavor encourages me to be more aware of God every moment of every day.
I know this practice teaches me to be grateful throughout the day – every day.
I know this simple work matters for me and sometimes for others.

All good things come from the Father.

That reluctance?
That dismissal?
That indifference?
That willingness to say, maybe not today?

None of that comes from the Father.

So, I’ll resist. 

Even if the words aren’t elaborate or inspiring or even meaningful in any way, I’ll continue because it matters, if only to me. 

The only accommodation I'll make?  I must send this early!

And the fact that this is now published, gives me hope that I can keep my promises and that God will too.

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