Sunday, February 3, 2019

And Then Comes the Turn

SoulPancake - "We make stuff that matters."

You've might have heard of this company.  The videos published are, more often than not, extremely creative.  Some are hysterical and some are quite deep.  Some - well, nobody manages to make a splash every time!

But on a number of occasions, they make you stop in your tracks and think. These thought provoking videos delve into cultural questions, psychological experiments and even discussions of death.

This particular 2014 SoulPancake video is based on a movement to encourage government sponsored preschool.  Of course, like absolutely everything in our culture today, voices are loud and angry on both sides of the issue.

I'm not advocating any political position.  This is a personal blog about living in Christ and as such, no political opinions are offered. I'm including it here because this one cut deep for some reason.

The kids are all excited.  They're smiling and bubbly and are more than happy to discuss their favorite activities.  And then comes the turn. It shows up at one minute ten seconds into this 2 minute video called, The View From 3 Feet Up.

The children are informed that not everybody has what they have.

I began to wonder when compassion and empathy start.  It's certainly not at birth for selfishness is survival.  But somewhere down the line, social interaction and caring for others enters the picture.  I started looking into this - but then I stopped.  Maybe another day.

Today, I'm just going to feel.
Today, I'm just going to sit with this emotion.
Today, I'm going to consider a different angle.

Perhaps it's less important to research the start of compassion in favor of learning how to prevent it from stopping.

Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Philippians 2:1-2

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