Sunday, August 30, 2020

In Peace, Cast Your Vote

  1. Polarized describes the state of this world in which we live.
  2. Divisive is a word completely in line with the most common social media proclamations.
  3. Separation posits an element of speech indicating relationship dissolution as a result of the two predecessors above.

It's no secret that these few words are interrupting civilized and loving conversations.  It is equally obvious that avoiding the topics of viruses, race, and politics proves impossible.

I was blessed with a 2-hour conversation yesterday.

I find it difficult to believe that I wrote that last sentence based on the introduction to this piece but it's absolutely true.  This dialogue revealed a vaporous objective that seemed beyond reach just a few days before. 

I discovered that I am holding on to beliefs in an unhealthy manner. Years ago, I remember hearing that one should firmly believe but simultaneously hold each one lightly.  This is not to say we waver or move with the wind. We must have convictions but, in a welcoming stance, we indicate our willingness to listen to the beliefs of others. This posture allows for discussion without discord. 

Easier said than done. Unable to offer graceful understanding, I sought to withdraw as the only fitting solution.  "Live and let live", I thought. 

I was wrong.

Withdrawing only serves the definition of separation.  Retreat prohibits the possibility of unity that now results in an unacceptably dissonant belief system.

It turns out that unsurpassable worth is the healing salve.  If we train our eyes to see neighbors only as God sees them, we are on the road to rehabilitation. Recovery is found when recognizing that all are made in the image of a good God who loves as the sun shines and as the rain falls - equally on each of His children. (Matt 5:45)  

Well, like me, you've probably heard all that before but only yesterday did tt sink into my addled brain.  I pray that it stays there for a while!

You might be curious to know what changed.

Throughout the 120 minute conversation, we individually invoked a world teeming with people acting and speaking like Jesus. Lightning Bolt!  Each of us on differing sides of several issues but with the very same prayer. The commonality became monumental.  It seemed that as we talked, we moved together in the direction of modeling Jesus.  And suddenly, for just a moment, we succeeded.

We unearthed a principle that although we were individually convinced of our own truth, we felt convicted that infallible knowledge is impossible.  We discovered that as we differed, we also concurred.  We presented two opposing playbooks but reveled in one common goal - Jesus.

  • Can our one-vote change the outcome of the upcoming presidential election? 
  • Does that mean we should not vote? 
  • Does it mean that we should loudly and arrogantly promote personal convictions setting one candidate, one party, or one platform over the other? 

My answer would be, "I think not."  I'm ready to hold my convictions lightly. I am completely willing to accept the election outcome.  One of the candidates will be president in January.  Although it matters, it doesn't matter.  I am blessed to live in this country but I belong to the Kingdom of God.    

I will vote.  My vote will count.  And I will be fine when it's over.  So will you.

Amid a pandemic, racial disparity, political deceit, and media misdirection, we take sides while arguing our personal agendas. We do this because we do not know who to trust.  We do this because we are afraid.

But in the middle of abolished personal rights, wrongful arrest, false charges, soldier brutality, night-long trials, and beatings, the life of Jesus ended on a cross. All this could have been remedied with legions of angels (Matt 26:53) but He chose instead the self-sacrificial love of a Savior. 

In this light, what then do we have to fear?  

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Philippians 4:6

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory   Colossians 3:1-4


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