Saturday, May 28, 2016


You might have an iPhone.
You might have an Android.

You'll make a case for why you've chosen one over the other.

Google is making a case for individual customization with their ad campaign;
"Be Together, Not the Same". 
(The link will take you to YouTube if your device doesn't display the video below) 

You might be Republican.
You might be Democrat.
You might be Pro-Trump.
You might be Dump-Trump.
You might be Conservative.
You might be Liberal.

It's Memorial Day weekend.  So many lost lives.  So many lost family members in the struggle for freedom and the ability to "be" what ever we choose.

It wasn't the purpose of the advertisement to speak to this cornerstone of our democracy.  It wasn't made so that we would pause, remember, be grateful and pray for those sacrificing so much.  And yet, it reminds us to do just that.  It reminds us that being different does not mandate "separate."

You might be Jew.
You might be Gentile.
You might be Free
You might be Slave.
You might be Male
You might be Female.

It wasn't the purpose of the advertisement to speak to a wider and deeper principal either. And yet;

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.  Galatians 3:28

You might be ______.
You might be ______.
I wonder if I'll ever hear piano music in the same way again.

Note:  The intention of Sandals and a Stick is to encourage awareness and to see more than merely the surface in the "every-day" which surrounds me.  It's an opportunity to be influenced for the better through constant reminders gleaned from deeper consideration and thought.  

If you've had similar experiences (of course you have), please feel free to share.  Check out Guest Writing. 

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