Two complimentary lessons - in one morning!
You already know I read a number of blogs. I'm fussy because my inbox is already filled with over 100 emails every day. But there are a number of them that I look forward to. They remind me, they teach and they inspire on a pretty regular basis.
At 6:00 AM today:
Skipping the Nuance from A Learning a Day
Writing can be many things. It can be a medium with which we drive change. It can feed our soul. With every piece of content we share, we decide whether we want to raise the standard of discussion or lower it. And, we do all of this by putting a piece of ourselves out there.It was the 'feed our soul' comment that made me sit up, take another sip of coffee and pause to consider why I've written these little blurbs - and why I've been neglectful for so long. I didn't come to a solution. But the fact that I recognized that I missed writing because I miss feeding my soul made me a little sad.